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Taipei: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference for Students Held at Shih Hsin University (Photos)

July 28, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) From July 12 to 14, college-aged Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan held a group Fa-study and experience sharing conference at Shih Hsin University in Taipei. The purpose of the conference was for the students to improve their understandings based on the Fa, aiming at matters relating specifically to the students. In Taiwan, many universities and colleges have set up Falun Dafa Associations. We hope that through this conference, we can share our experiences in spreading Dafa as well as what we have learned from holding Falun Dafa introductory seminars, so that university students will do even better.

On the last day of the conference, a few students were invited to share what they learned in doing Dafa work, their experiences, and their understandings of the importance of Fa-rectification work. More university students are merging into the current of Fa-rectification. Through this experience sharing, we understand more about the great mission of saving sentient beings that history bestowed on us and we will strive forward more diligently to take each step purely and righteously on the path of Fa-rectification.