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VCDs Effectively Clarify the Truth

July 28, 2002 |   By New York practitioners


In order to clarify the truth, we began to distribute newspapers. Later, we had small truth-clarifying pamphlets. Last winter, we made some VCD disks that clarified the truth. At the time, the cost of VCD disks was quite high. So distributing them on a large scale would have cost too much. However, during that period of time, we found out that the VCD had its unique quality: it can carry information in large volumes. It also carries sounds, music and pictures, so it leaves a very strong impression on people. After watching the disks, many people said to us: "Your CDs are really good."

Some people who had refused to read Dafa materials before, were finally awakened by the VCD disks and opened up their hearts. Some days ago, a practitioner said that after she showed her boss the VCD disk, her boss cried and said to her, "I never had time to read your materials. However, what this CD showed is too miserable, Jiang is too wicked."

Even though the VCD disks were expensive, we decided to continue to distribute them on a large scale no matter how expensive it was going to be. This is because they showed good results in clarifying the truth and clearing away the evil poison in people's minds. Then, opportunities came up and helped us to reduce the cost of the CDs - everything was arranged very ingeniously. Now, one CD is even cheaper than a copy of a pamphlet.

One time, a visitor took a disk from us and told us that, "I just came from Mainland China. There are a lot of CDs being distributed over there - you see it everywhere. If you take a rickshaw, the rickshaw man will take out a Falun Gong truth-clarifying CD and ask if you would like to watch it or not. - Still, I'd like to take back to China some of your disks, too."

In China, for Falun Dafa practitioners, the environment is so terrible and living conditions are so bad, yet they still managed to distribute CDs in a lot of areas.

Then, why can't we do it? Although the environment here is different than in Mainland China, a VCD disk can get twice the results with half the effort - it can quickly and conveniently clarify the truth among sentient beings.

We really hope overseas practitioners pay more attention to this issue, No matter what kind of Dafa work you are doing, just put several truth-clarifying CDs in your pockets, and give them to people with predestined relationships. With the seeds of truth being sowed along the way, with persistence and determination, this world will change.