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Latest News from China - 07/18/2002

July 27, 2002 |  


  • [Handan City, Hebei Province] The Life of Senior Engineer Qin Zhongke is At Risk Due to the Torture He Has Suffered
  • [Hainan Province] Brief News
  • [Chongqing City] Male Police Devastate Female Practitioners
  • [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] "610 Office" Sends Practitioners to Brainwashing Class and Extorts Money
  • [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Doctor Xu Enjiang's Evil Conduct
  • [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Arrest and Persecute Practitioners
  • [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] The Crimes Committed in Shijiazhuang Leads to the Anger of Heaven
  • [Shen County, Shangdong Province] Liquid Ammonia Flood Kills Thirteen People

1. [Handan City, Hebei Province] The Life of Senior Engineer Qin Zhongke is At Risk Due to the Torture He Has Suffered

In order to force Falun Dafa practitioners to write "guarantee letters," [promising to renounce Falun Gong] the policemen in Handan Forced Labor Camp are using extremely cruel means to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Policemen tortured Qin Zhongke, forbidding him from sleeping for nine consecutive days from July 2 through July 10, 2002. They told him, "We will not let you sleep unless you write a 'repentance letter,' [a form used by the authorities to indicate that the practitioner has given up practicing Falun Dafa] regardless of whether you have to make a false statement." Qin Zhongke remained undaunted despite the physical punishment administered by the police. Being made to stand for many days at a time caused Qin's feet and legs to swell and bleed, and the extended duration of the torture has left him extremely weak; yet the persecution of Qin still continues.

2. [Hainan Province] Brief News

Falun Dafa practitioners Song Yuesheng, Jiang Shilong, Chen Yuan, Liao Liming and Pan Xinliang are detained in Hainan Youth Detention Center

3. [Chongqing City] Male Police Devastate Female Practitioners

The female police in Chongqing Female Forced Labor Camp 4th Brigade have all been replaced by male police officers. The male police officers are more vicious, and willfully insult and abuse female practitioners. They punish them by forcing them to stand or kneel for over twenty hours at a time. Practitioners' hands and feet soon become swollen, yet they are not allowed to sleep for more than two hours per day. Their hands are cuffed to the bed frame of an upper bunk, to prevent them from sleeping, causing the shorter practitioners to stand on their tiptoes just to keep from hanging by their wrists. Police instigate the drug-addicted criminal prisoners to supervise and beat the practitioners. While the criminal prisoners are allowed to take turns sleeping, the constant torture of practitioners never stops. While they willfully punch and kick practitioners, leaving some with bleeding head wounds, the criminals forbid the practitioners from even crying. If the tortured practitioners cry, the criminal prisoners stuff their mouths with rags.

We appeal to the entire world to please help save these Falun Dafa practitioners.

4. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] "610 Office" Sends Practitioners to Brainwashing Class and Extorts Money

Recently, the "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] in the Dadong District of Shenyang City held a brainwashing class. They sent those practitioners who they thought needed "attention" to the class. Practitioners were each held separately in a single room, where they were supervised and brainwashed by two persons from the work unit, two policemen and five brainwashing center staff members.

A 32-year-old male doctoral student from Shenyang Medical University went on a hunger and water strike, refusing to say a single word. After three days, the "610 Office" sent him to Zhangshi Detention Center.

The Dadong "610 Office" forces each work unit leader to submit a list of all Falun Gong practitioners that are members of their work unit. Then if any practitioners on the list are later arrested, the leader of the work unit will also be implicated. Under this pressure, some unit leaders have not only had to send their best employees to the brainwashing class, but they have also had to bear all the expenses of the class. For each practitioner, the down payment alone is 3000 yuan (a typical six months salary). Now many practitioners are being forced to write "guarantee letters," or else they will be sent to the brainwashing center.

5. [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Doctor Xu Enjiang's Evil Conduct

Thirteen practitioners were illegally detained and went on a hunger and water strike for over ten days. They were then sentenced to a forced labor camp, but the labor camp refused to accept them because of their poor health. Among them, eight practitioners got out of the jail by using their righteous thoughts. The other five practitioners are still suffering the torture. The medical doctor at the jail, Xu Enjiang, instigated the criminal prisoners to violently administer the forced feedings. They inserted filthy, used stomach tubes that had never been sterilized or even cleaned, to force feed the practitioners. Practitioners' mouths were pried open with an iron crowbar, breaking their teeth to insert the tubes, and then the tubes were moved around inside their stomachs to further torture the practitioners. Whenever Xu Enjiang saw practitioners sending forth righteous thoughts or practicing the exercises, he would put them in shackles.

6. [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Arrest and Persecute Practitioners

To implement the plan of arresting 6000 practitioners, as was assigned by Luo Gan [head of the National Political and Judiciary Committee], Shuangyashan Police Station held a large scale search for practitioners on May 2, 2002. They even arrested an old woman, Yang Cuifang, who makes her living by collecting junk. They took all her money, 500 yuan, which she had been saving to use for her husband's badly needed amputation operation. They sentenced her to two years in a forced labor camp, but after giving her a physical examination, the Jiamusi labor camp refused to accept her. Because she had been arrested, her husband lost the income that she had provided, and he was forced to leave home. Her son was also sent to a forced labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. Yang Cuifang was tortured almost to death, and there was nobody in her family who could bail her out. It was her fellow practitioners who finally posted bail for her.

7. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] The Crimes Committed in Shijiazhuang Leads to the Anger of Heaven

On the afternoon of July 17, 2002, a sand storm rained down on Shijiazhuang City. The wind was howling wildly, and the sky and earth grew dark. Garbage was flying everywhere. With visibility only a hundred meters, the day became like the night.

8. [Shen County, Shangdong Province] Liquid Ammonia Flood Kills Thirteen People

During the period of Jiang's regime, corruption has become the norm. The government officials do not think of serving the people, but instead think of opportunistic financial schemes and currying favor. Serious accidents are happening everywhere but there are no officials who will accept responsibility for them. In the eyes of Jiang, whoever persecutes Falun Gong is a good official. Shandong is the province that most heavily persecutes Falun Gong. The officials do not conduct themselves with virtue, and this results in frequent disasters.

At 2:00 a.m. on July 8, 2002, at the Shen County chemical fertilizer factory owned by Shandong Luxi Chemical Company, a pipeline connection broke, resulting in a volatile flood of liquid ammonia which killed thirteen people, injured about eighty and terrified the surrounding residents. All the trees along the flood path of the liquid ammonia spill soon died.