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Former Classmate Travels Extra Thousand Miles to Seek the True Facts of Falun Gong

July 25, 2002 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) One of my former university classmates of is a government official in a city in Northwest China. He said to others, "The news reports state that many Falun Gong practitioners are educated, have high social status and are very capable people. Why would they persist practicing even when the persecution is so severe? It must be that Falun Gong attracts them in some way."

Recently he learned that I am a Dafa practitioner. He traveled an extra of 1000 miles out of his way for a public meeting and came to the city where I live. When he first saw me, although we haven't seen each other for more than ten years, the first thing he said was, "Did your Master really write Zhuan Falun? What was shown on TV was really scary. What is going on?" He said repeatedly, "I'm not interested in eating or traveling on to my final destination just yet. I came here just to see you."

I showed him Master's 1st and 2nd videotaped lectures in Jinan City. I let him read Zhuan Falun and watch truth-clarification VCDs about the April 25th incident and the staged immolation incident in Tiananmen Square. I talked about my own cultivation experiences, how my health and xinxing [mind/heart nature] improved after practicing Falun Dafa. When we talked about things of everyday life, I explained my views based on my understanding of the Fa. Two days later, before he left, he told me, "We ordinary people are practical folks. Why would anyone take such high risks if Falun Gong weren't good? I tell you, things that go against the will of the people will not last long, as history has proven." I told him, "You know now that you mustn't bad-mouth Dafa at work, during and after meetings." He said, "To tell you the truth, I never did. You know, our town is a sacred Buddhist site. The people believe in Buddha."