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A Fa-rectification Journey to Europe--Bits and Pieces of My Thoughts

July 21, 2002 |   By a Taiwanese practitioner

My Honorable Fellow Practitioners

Two local practitioners, mother and son, and another practitioner had been busy dealing with the details of our journey to Russia from June 4th until our arrival at the Moscow airport on June 11. We were well taken care of in every aspect. We appreciated their efforts and help. We also give our respect for their behavior of melting into the Fa and showing the elevated level of cultivators.

In addition, there were still other two local practitioners who were very helpful in arranging our journey. In an unfavorable environment, lacking in manpower and material help, they were still firm in their path of cultivation, which really impressed the practitioners from Taiwan. I felt that the experience sharing with the Russian practitioners was for us to find out our attachment of material comfort and to get rid of that attachment. The words and sincere, innocent facial expression of a Russian practitioner made an impression on me. He said, "What a shame! Our preparation work is not well done. Apparently, there are still some gaps in our personal cultivation, by which the evil justifies their existence." I was encouraged by the practitioner's attitude of looking inward for personal attachments and digging them out at the roots. I still have a lot to learn from him.

The Experience of a Three-year-old Japanese Practitioner

During the first two days at St. Petersburg where we sent forth righteous thoughts, a three-year-old practitioner who used to be active and vigorous was crying and noisy. During the two days, the grandma could do nothing to calm down the little kid who kept crying, "The demons are coming! So terrible! So evil!" However, on the third day the little practitioner said happily to the grandma, "The demons are about to die! They are running away!"

A Senior Icelander at the Age of 74

On June 13th, I was holding a big banner at the grassy square in front of the Ministry of Justice and the court, where the other fellow practitioners were sending forth righteous thoughts. Then an elderly Icelander approached me, telling me, "Yesterday I came here in particular to see what you were doing, to find out the reason why the Icelandic government denied Falun Gong travelers entry to Iceland. But when I came to that intersection on that far side, I could feel your very magnificent and powerful energy field. I have never had this kind of experience in all my life. It was very wonderful." I talked to this old man for a while and then asked another practitioner to take my place so that I could continue clarifying the truth of Falun Gong to him. In our conversation, the old Icelander repeatedly apologized for the wrong decision of their government. On that afternoon and the next day, the old man came with his wife to the square, sitting there for a long time, and seemingly dissolving into our energy field of peacefulness and compassion. I believe that they must have a predestined relationship with Dafa.

Truth-clarification at the Reykjavik Airport in Iceland

The following is my answer to a question of the customs official. "I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I visit Iceland for two purposes. First, I would like to introduce Falun Dafa to the kind Icelanders. Second, I come here to demonstrate exercises of Falun Gong, to clarify the truth, and to expose Jiang's deceitful lies. Falun Dafa is based on the principle of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.' All of our activities are peaceful and legal. Falun Gong practice is free, voluntary and open to the public. People have their health improved and are taught to be honest and kind people. From 1992 until now, in less than 10 years, Falun Gong has been spread to more than fifty countries, being praised and supported by most governments and over 700 organizations. Around the world there are over 100 million people practicing Falun Gong. However, the dictator in China has persecuted Falun Gong since July 20th, 1999. Jiang slanders Falun Gong by venomous fabrications, persecutes Falun Gong practitioners, and forbids his people to practice Falun Gong. Moreover, Jiang fools the world by his deceitful lie that nobody is practicing Falun Gong."

On the evening of June 11th, the customs official notified us, "I regret to tell you that our government has made the final decision. You and the other group will be sent back to Copenhagen in Denmark on the plane in half an hour." I replied, "First we want to express our regret and disapproval of the improper decision of your government. We also fully understand that you are not at your own will to carry out the decision. Moreover, we must also express our determination to enter Iceland. Please make allowance for our determination and also let your government understand our determination to enter Iceland. We did nothing against your country's laws. It is hard for us to understand why we are barred from entering Iceland."

Later we were interviewed by the radio station and asked, "Could you say something about the fact that you were denied entry to Iceland and are about to be sent back?"

I said, "Because of my work history, for the past twenty years Iceland has made a deep and good impression on me. Though it is a small country, Iceland is a democratic country, bearing a good international reputation and having great potential. Moreover, the people here are pure and kind. However, today I feel disappointed at the government's decision to bar Falun Gong travelers from entering Iceland. My fellow practitioners have already clarified the truth of Falun Gong to you, and I will not repeat it. Please allow me to say this: the truth is the truth and it is unreasonable to deny us entry to Iceland. We are determined to stay. I believe your government will make a wiser decision instead of insisting on the previous wrong decision."