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CNN: Falun Gong followers protest in Hong Kong

July 21, 2002 |  

July 20, 2002 Posted: 6:05 PM HKT (1005 GMT)

Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong protest an end to what they call China's campaign to eradicate the group

(Clearwisdom.net) HONG KONG, China (AP) -- More than 140 followers of the Falun Gong spiritual group protested in Hong Kong to mark the third anniversary of Beijing's crackdown on the [group] in mainland China, where it is banned.

Around 100 Falun Gong practitioners meditated in a downtown park Saturday, while another 40 meditated outside a police station opposite Beijing's representative office in Hong Kong -- near the spot where some of them were arrested for obstruction in March.

They demanded an end to what they call China's often brutal campaign to eradicate the group.

Sixteen Falun Gong followers -- including four Swiss nationals -- are currently on trial for obstruction charges in Hong Kong's first criminal case against followers of Falun Gong.


Falun Gong: China's Dilemma

"In the past three years, (Chinese President) Jiang Zemin has used the national propaganda machine to slander and attack us and used the military police and secret police to carry out their brutal attacks," said Falun Gong spokesman Kan Hung-cheung.

Chinese authorities banned the sect on July 22, 1999, [...] and have sent thousands of followers to labor camps. Falun Gong followers said Saturday at least 438 have died in custody so far.

Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule five years ago, but the territory still enjoys many Western-style freedoms such as free speech.
