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"Falun Dafa is Good, Gradually Entering the Human Realm" - A Few Stories

July 12, 2002 |  


1. During the Spring Festival this year, a big four-foot-long banner reading, "Falun Buddha Fa offers salvation to sentient beings" hung in front of a building. For a long time, no one touched it. Even the police left it alone. My father had been poisoned by the propaganda on television. He had defaced Dafa posters in the past and immediately gotten a toothache, which was so painful that he was in tears. Speaking of the banner hanging there this time, he remained very quiet and observed, "One has to believe it. If there is no retribution, then why does no one dare touch it after it has hung there for so many days?"

2. Two cousins were talking to each other at home. One said, "Your other grandma (Father's mother) is sick again. Look how healthy our other grandma is!" The other cousin said, "Then let's suggest to my grandma that she practice Falun Gong. Wasn't our other grandma always sick before she started practicing, too?"

3. Four elementary school students were on their way home. One said to another, a young Dafa practitioner, "Don't practice Falun Gong anymore. Our country doesn't allow it. The three of us don't practice." The young Dafa practitioner said, "You think what the majority does is right? So many countries have people practicing. Only our country is against it. Tell me then, who is right?" The classmate lowered his voice and said, "You are also right."

4. I gave my neighbor a copy of Zhuan Falun. Before long, he told me, "This book is wonderful!" He told me he would tell his students that Falun Gong is good, and that it is not at all like the lies broadcast on CCTV (Chinese Central Television). Although he was fooled in the past, he will now introduce his students to Falun Gong, as he can see that it is good for society.