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Lithuania: Under the Power of Righteousness, the Evil Could Not Take Control of Human Hearts

July 01, 2002 |   By Dye Ji-jean


The Great Power of Righteous Thoughts

On the morning of June 17th, some European Dafa practitioners and I were invited to the Lithuanian Parliament to clarify the truth to some government departments. When we went out of the Parliament building, the surroundings were under strict control, because Jiang Zemin's group was scheduled to visit the Parliament.

The local police did not ask us to leave. I had an idea strongly in my mind to seize this great chance to send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity. When I told other practitioners that I wanted to send forth righteous thoughts with one palm held erect, they kindly prevented me. They said that we could just send righteous thoughts in our mind, or we would lose the chance to do it in the restrained area. I looked around, finding a bench nearby, so I went there with my child. At this moment, Jiang's motorcade was approaching the Parliament building. I sat on the bench, thinking, "Master, please allow me to represent the numerous persecuted practitioners in China to send forth the strongest righteous thoughts." I held one palm erect. At that time, my heart was tranquil. I felt nothing around me, but the ever-stronger righteous thoughts.

The Chinese Security Could Do Nothing

After sending forth righteous thoughts, other practitioners told me what had just happened. When I held one palm erect, the Chinese security discovered me at once. They exasperatedly asked the local police to drive me away, but the police who had learned the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution did not follow their command.

A Chinese security guard angrily headed towards me, but suddenly he seemed to be stopped by some power. He looked stupefied, watching me, and then turned back. When he passed a western practitioner, the practitioner told him in Chinese, "Falun Dafa is good." After he walked away, he met another practitioner. She smiled at him calmly, and pointed to the Falun Dafa badge that she wore.

The security guards had by this time found many Dafa practitioners in the restricted area. However, the local police had realized the truth, and they also personally saw the peaceful behavior of Dafa practitioners, so they did not interfere. The Chinese security could do nothing but stare at us. Under the powerful effect of justice and righteousness, the evil could not take control of the human heart.