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Recognizing the Notion of "Self"

June 09, 2002 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently I have come to realize that many of the thoughts and ideas that are displayed in our brains in this surface dimension are postnatally acquired and notions about ourselves.

The brains inside of our bodies in this surface dimension are just like TV screens that display all kinds of our notions about "self" and thought karma. When our righteous thoughts are pure, our brains in the surface dimension are dominated and controlled by our divine sides. In such moments, we only feel benevolence, peacefulness and tranquility, and we could feel our brains to be completely transparent and translucent.

While studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts, we often display seemingly logical notions about ourselves. If we pay slightly less attention to them than needed, it is very possible for us to be moved by them, which lessens the effects of our Fa study and sending forth righteous thoughts. In such moments, we should eliminate them without any hesitation or confusion because they are in fact keeping our divine sides from assimilating to and rectifying the Fa.

When we clarify the truth, come in contact with fellow practitioners or conduct our daily lives, sometimes our brains become very active, especially when our minds become unsteady and we feel pain in our hearts as we run into problems or conflicts. It is all a part of exposing our selfish notions. When we recognize our impure thoughts, we must send forth righteous thoughts in a timely manner to eliminate them.

Our own understandings toward the Fa and our realms are constantly improving during the course of our cultivation. Those ideas and methods that we currently think of as being very good are only our understandings during the current period of time. We should not become attached to them or stubbornly hold onto them. We should treat Dafa as what is most fundamental and study the Fa more. The starting point of our actions should be out of consideration for the overall situation of Fa-rectification. Everything that we do should be for the sake of saving sentient beings. If we pay enough attention to how powerful righteous thoughts are, it won't be difficult for us to recognize and eliminate interference from our own notions about "self."

We are all individual beings, but we also belong to the entire body of the cosmos. Each of us is a part of Dafa disciples as a whole and a small particle inside the overall Dafa. What the righteous Gods in the new cosmos think and do and what Dafa and Master think and do are the things that we should think and do. Once we use Dafa to evaluate everything, there won't be any excuses for our notions of "self" to continue to exist and they will become insignificant to the point of not being worth mentioning.