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Revealing Broadcasts Are Truly Serving the People

June 28, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 27, 2002 Falun Dafa Information Center published an article about Falun Gong practitioners' TV broadcasting in China.

From the Editors: Falun Gong Practitioners Risk their Lives to Tell the Truth

In the past six months, the Falun Dafa Information Center has confirmed that Falun Gong practitioners in China have - on seven separate occasions - overridden state-run cable television signals with footage revealing the truth about Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong and demonstrating the true nature of the practice. Taking the communist party's propaganda at face value could lead one to miss the historical significance and gravity of these recent events. In fact, the true story behind who is breaking laws and who is upholding China's noble heritage has gone largely untold.

Following Falun Gong's introduction to the public in the early 1990's, Mr. Li Hongzhi's teachings of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance touched the hearts of millions in China and around the world. In 1999, however, China's president became uncomfortable with how popular the practice had become, and turned his political machine against it to calm his own paranoia as well as bolster his political power.

By persecuting Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin alienated a large portion of his citizens, overruling many high-ranking party members and ignoring the international outcry for justice. Since then, he and his cohorts have utilized the financial resources, media, police, and foreign ministries of the world's largest nation to attack their own people: people who do not hit back when hit and do not curse back when cursed.

In order to turn public opinion against Falun Gong, the regime has been making allegations and fabricating evidence while rejecting calls for independent investigation. As a result of this media onslaught, China's people have been left in a state of confusion, unsure of what Falun Gong is or what the persecution is really all about.

Unjust Leadership Affects All Chinese, All People

The circle of victims of this persecution extends far beyond the millions of families that have been directly attacked and torn apart by Jiang and those who support him. Under the pressure and manipulation of the propaganda, numerous Chinese citizens are now committing crimes against their own neighbors, colleagues, and even family members as they bend to the regime's deceitful agenda. Others, such as policemen, are forced to choose between their moral values and their livelihood. Already, too many people have made the wrong choice.

As their government persecutes them, the state-run media lies about them, their employers turn them in, and the various Offices of Appeals arrest them as soon as they walk in the door, Chinese Falun Gong practitioners have used the limited resources at their disposal to appeal to the hearts of their fellow citizens and human beings. As they watch their friends and relatives being arrested, tortured, and killed, they continue with their peaceful efforts to let people know the truth.

The persecution against Falun Gong has been unlawful from the beginning. The president turned a legal and orderly appeal made by Falun Gong practitioners into an excuse to attack it. In persecuting Falun Gong, he has repeatedly broken both the Chinese Constitution and international law, discarding rights and concocting regulations at whim. As the regime sees it, any appeal a Falun Gong practitioner makes is illegal, and even punishable by death.

Indeed, of the 428 deaths confirmed by the Falun Dafa Information Center thus far, at least 186 of those people died from torture and abuse after they had simply raised banners above their heads in Tiananmen Square that say "Falun Dafa is good" or "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."

Peaceful Tactics Under Brutal Suppression

While other oppressed groups have resorted to violence, Falun Gong practitioners have always appealed peacefully, striving to act fully for the benefit of others, and refusing to hurt anyone along the way, regardless of the situation. Some go to appeal at Tiananmen Square, while others distribute flyers or hang banners. More recently, some have been able to successfully present evidence and make their appeal known on television, in spite of the government's tight control of the media.

This persecution, like all others in history, will end, and the real story will be made known. Just as the harmful agenda of this century's totalitarian leaders have been revealed, dismantled, and eventually punished, Jiang's regime, too, will eventually face world scrutiny.

At that time - as the dust settles and the smoke clears - two facts will become obvious: First, the extent of the persecution and those affected far exceed the world's current knowledge, and the horror of what has happened will leave the world's people in shock. Second, the Falun Gong practitioners in China who are risking their lives in order to present the real situation and appeal to people's hearts are doing so in the interest of the world's people, and not just for themselves. They are safeguarding human dignity and the integrity of the world community by embodying the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They are putting themselves in harm's way to lift the true situation out from under the cloud of lies and deceit disseminated by Jiang's regime so that the world may become a place that no longer tolerates such senseless brutality and oppression.

They are doing this for us all.