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Summary of Other Articles and News - 06/25/2002

June 28, 2002 |  


News from China

A young mother's letter to her relatives: I especially selected several articles to send to you, in order to let you see how evil and brutal the persecution of Falun Gong is. Although they are ruthless to us, evil will never be able to triumph over righteousness. Falun Dafa practitioners have been using various means to let people know the truth about Dafa. When all the people learn about the truth, the evil will have no support.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Face the evil with righteous thoughts at all times. One day, seven or eight policemen came to my apartment building, attempting to arrest me. I locked the door and then stood by the window, loudly exposing them. Those policemen stared at each other, not daring to raise their heads to look at me, and then left. One month later, the police came again to arrest me. They even brought a summons. I tore the summons into pieces, which shocked them. Some neighbors with a sense of justice also loudly condemned them. I pointed at them and said, "Go, go, go." They didn't know what else to do and left.

News and Activities Around the World

One day, six practitioners from Long Island went to the eastern part of the island to promote Dafa. Many stores allowed them to put Dafa truth-clarifying materials at the entrances. Some shopkeepers even came out to ask them for the materials to be put at their doorways. Two 5-year-old practitioners ran back and forth to distribute Dafa flyers. Many people were happy to accept their flyers.