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Summary of Other Articles and News - 06/22/2002

June 27, 2002 |  


News From China

During Jiang's recent visit to five European countries, six Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death within one week. They are Li Guojun from Weifang City, in Shandong Province; Song Cuiling from Zhangjiakou City, in Hebei Province; Zhang Xiuling from Handan City, in Hebei Province; Wu Dabi from Chengdu City, in Sichuan Province; Rui Xiaolin from Xuancheng City, in Anhui Province; and a female practitioner from Lanzhou City, in Gansu Province.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Note from Minghui editors on June 22, 2002: We hope that all Falun Dafa practitioners who volunteer in the communication of Minghui.Net materials will treat the issue of security with the utmost concern. Over the past three years, there have been many hard lessons learned and heavy tolls taken, involving security issues in various areas. From the understanding of the Fa, it is an issue of whether Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples can be responsible for Dafa and for fellow practitioners. This is not only a manifestation of xinxing (mind or heart nature; moral character) in personal cultivation, but it also shows whether the Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples can understand and master the principles of Falun Dafa perfectly and harmoniously. We respectfully ask the relevant fellow practitioners in China to follow the arrangement of one-way contact in establishing individual communication with the editorial board of Minghui.Net.

Disasters are a Warning from Heaven

Lies from the Jiang Regime delude people, and the Changchun City government was karmically responsible for the spread of many contagious diseases to elementary school students as a result of their wrongdoings. In May 2002, the "610 Office" spread a vicious rumor in elementary schools that Falun Gong practitioners would kidnap 500 children, which incited fear and hatred and caused many adults and children to have serious misunderstandings toward Falun Gong. In June, as final exams are approaching, scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox and other diseases suddenly began spreading in large areas in elementary schools in Changchun City. Nearly 20% of all students at Jilin University Elementary School contracted different diseases and many children were afraid of going to school. People are deluded by evil lies and propaganda against Falun Gong and their ignorance is harming themselves and their future.

A brief report of natural disasters in China: floods inundated Youyang of Chongqing City, and the flood waters trapped approximately 5,000 people. Water levels rose drastically in Hunan Province; some small and medium-sized dams were severely damaged; a rare flood occurred in Yanlin of Hunan Province and 6,000 people were trapped. A large flood surrounded Guangxi Province and about 4,910,000 people were affected by the flood. Another flood ocurred in Fuzhou City. A large-scale rainstorm devastated Jiangxi Province and it destroyed the Fu River Dam, affecting 4,500,000. A rainstorm that devastated North Xinjiang has caused tremendous losses. Right now, local governmental flood prevention agencies are cautiously preparing for more flooding. A flood and hailstorm also devastated Yili of Xinjiang, displaying weather patterns that occur only once in a century. Three mineworkers were trapped.

Chinese people believe that, as a karmic retribution, thunder will strike those who are greedy. An ancient Chinese book Fa Yuan Zhu Lin recorded the following story: In the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Gao appointed Yuan Ze as a high-ranking official for the Guanglu Monastery, in charge of food supplies. Yuan was a greedy person and he took advantage of his position to reap benefits for himself. One day in June, Luoyang city was assailed by sudden thunderbolts. Yuan was struck by the thunder on a street outside of Xuanren Gate. His neck was broken and he died. When people saw this, they were full of awe, "He must have done something malevolent and unjust. That is what he deserved."

Media Report

The Voice of America reported on June 21, 2002 that Hunan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan and Xinjiang are among provinces that are seriously distressed by the heavy floods. So far, more than 36 million people have been affected with a death toll of over 500. Other than natural disasters, the floods have been caused and aggravated by environmental negligence.