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UK: Falun Dafa at a Manchester Festival (Photos)

June 26, 2002 |   By a UK Dafa Practitioner

(Clearwidom.net) On Saturday and Sunday (June 22 and 23), practitioners from north and central England traveled to Manchester to join Wythenshawe Park Festival.

We set up a gazebo-like shelter with a table of Falun Dafa truth-clarifying flyers and materials. Several large posters were displayed along the pathway so that passers-by could take a look and learn about Falun Dafa, its wide spreading throughout the world and the ruthless persecution in China. We handed out flyers and talked with many friendly local people about the practice and the situation in China.

We continuously demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises throughout the day. On Sunday we had the opportunity to use the main stage and sound system. Five practitioners dressed in white silk Chinese suits and another dressed in yellow performed the exercises. Several people sat on the grass and watched the peaceful performance. Many young children imitated the movements. The sky was blue, the sunshine was bright and the day went very well.

