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Righteous Belief in Dafa Enabled Me to Once Again Walk Out of the Detention Center

June 16, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the 10th anniversary of Dafa's introduction to the world, we posted pictures in public places exposing the lies of Jiang's regime and clarifying the truth. Unfortunately, though, we were illegally arrested by policemen. A fellow practitioner and I were sent to the local police station, where we were illegally interrogated and beaten. My nose was bleeding, and my whole body was covered in blood, but despite all of this, we only held Dafa in mind. They did not get any information from us, so they gave up.

The next day, the policemen illegally sent me to the detention center. I would never cooperate with the arrangement of the evil force, nor would I recognize it, so I went on a hunger strike to safeguard the Fa and to protest the illegal detention. I also kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the persecution against me by the evil. I thought I must leave my cell within seven days. I recited the Fa-rectification verse in my heart and asked Master to strengthen me.

At first, the common prisoners in the detention center were hostile to us because of the propaganda and lies broadcast on TV. Encouraged by the guards, they beat and kicked us. However, I did not hate them at all in my heart. I always kept smiling to them and clarified to them the truth of the persecution against Falun Gong. Thus, after several days' contact, their misunderstandings and hostility against Dafa disappeared under my pure compassion like melting ice and snow. At that time, they asked me if I hated them, I smiled gently and said, "No." One of the common prisoners said with tears in his eyes, "The worst deed I have ever done in my life was beating you, such a good person, how can I make it up!" Seeing his righteous thought, I smiled to him and said, "Don't worry about it, as long as you keep in mind 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance,' and are not against Dafa, you will definitely have a nice future!" After hearing my words, he was choked with sobs while holding my hands, and could not say a word.

On the fifth day, a criminal prisoner came from another cell. He beat me brutally. Because I had been on hunger strike with no food or water for several days, I was very weak, and I suddenly fainted on the floor and started twitching. At the doctor's insistence, I was sent to the emergency room for treatment, but at that time my mind was very clear. During the treatment, I heard a cruel policeman who was watching me say, "If I was on duty tonight, I would pour gas on him, light him up, and simply tell the outside that he committed self-immolation." Another policeman said to the nurse, "If this Falun Gong practitioner cannot be saved, he would be the second one who has died. " The nurse asked, "What are we going to do if he really dies?" The policeman said, "If they die, just fill out a form and send it to the central government, that's it. The only concern is the interval, which is too short to have two practitioners die one after another." Another policeman said viciously, "After a while, put handcuffs and shackles on him, we can't let him lie there comfortably." I do not know how long I was there.

I was again transferred back to the unit that handled these cases. It was already the seventh day, and they watched me very closely. But my righteous thoughts were very strong, thinking if there was a chance, I would for sure be able to walk out of the detention center. Thus with Master's help, I was able to remove the handcuffs and walk out of the detention center with no problems.

It had been seven or eight days since I held the hunger strike at the detention center. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts along the way, climbed the mountains and bypassed the main road. When thirsty, I asked for some water; when hungry, I took some flowers of the Chinese scholar tree for food. Under such conditions, I walked 11 hours and got away from the search party. I thoroughly destroyed the arrangement of the evil forces and walked out of the evil place with the righteous belief in Master and Dafa.