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Summary of Other News and Articles - 6/12/2002

June 15, 2002 |  

Media Coverage

Under the control of Chinese Embassies, some overseas Chinese newspapers have published Jiang's deceitful propaganda against Falun Gong. Practitioners in the US and Canada have brought lawsuits against these newspapers to demand a stop to their slandering and to uphold justice. Attacking good people who believe in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" is both hurting themselves and others. Yielding to the dictator with no thought of right and wrong is truly lamentable.

Exposing the Persecution

During the Boao Asian Forum Annual Meeting, the vicious police in Hainan Province illegally abducted many Falun Dafa practitioners. Many of the practitioners' family members went to the government, the "610 Office" and the police department to ask for their release. The police realized that they could not afford enraging so many people so they released some practitioners and proceeded to dodge their responsibilities for others being detained.

A Falun Gong practitioner was arrested when she went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong. The wicked police violently beat her up. After one month of unlawful detention, she was released. But after she returned home, her husband, who believed the lies from the propaganda, wildly interfered with her cultivation practice. He often beat her and cursed her. The abuse left injuries all over her body. Under such conditions, she had no choice but to leave home.

News and Activities around the World

Over the past weekend, Japanese Falun Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts as a group at the top of each hour to eliminate the evil in other dimensions. They took turns going to a park that is close to the Chinese Embassy to send forth the righteous thoughts.

News from China

Dafa practitioners in Jinan City commemorated the 8th anniversary of Teacher's teaching the Fa in Jinan. On June 21, 1994, Teacher taught us the universal principles that we have been waiting for millions of years to hear. Since that day, the seeds of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance have been deeply planted into our hearts. We gradually grew up during the eight years of difficulties and hardships. At this moment, we do Heshi (pressing our hands together in front of our chests) with tears in our eyes and say: Greetings, Teacher! You have endured so much hardship for all sentient beings!