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The Truth Is Priceless

May 06, 2002 |   By a practitioner in Singapore


Upon opening the book of human history and looking at the chronology of science, we will discover that many great men and scientists have suffered discrimination, persecution, and even death for safeguarding the truth. Our lives have benefited tremendously, and we should give full recognition for the sacrifices these great pioneers made.

Every milestone along the path of mankind's search for the truth glistens with the rational sparkle of these pioneers' perseverance. Galileo (1564-1642), the famous Italian scientist, overthrew the ancient theory that the earth is stationary and advocated the new theory that the earth rotates around the sun (Copernicus' theory). Since Galileo did not give in to the threats issued by the judges of the Inquisition warning him not to adhere to his belief, he was sentenced to life imprisonment under house arrest. Two outstanding physicians, Dr. Serveto of Spain and Dr. Vesalius of Belgium disputed the old theory of blood circulation established by Galen, the physician to the Roman emperor. As a result, Serveto was burned alive, and Vesalius was sentenced to death. In fact, what those great scientists tried to prove is today's common knowledge. Examples such as these are too numerous.

Several days ago, I was chatting with a Chinese university student who came to Singapore on internship. She told me that she knew a lady in her eighties back in China who practiced Falun Gong. This elderly lady came from a well-to-do family. Since 1999, she has gone to Beijing numerous times to proclaim the innocence of Falun Dafa and Master Li. She was jailed, fined and her home was ransacked time and again, yet the old lady saved money by living frugally. She put all her savings into printing truth-clarifying materials. Now she is utterly destitute.

Yet that university student wondered, "Is it worth it for you to be persecuted to such a degree by the ruffians, just because you want to speak the truth as a practitioner?" I replied, "Yes, because the truth is priceless. The cost and sacrifice that we put out to preserve the truth is worthwhile, because our sacrifice will benefit generations to come."

Isn't that so? Despite the danger of being tortured, raped and even killed, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners go to Beijing to appeal and all they want is to tell the Chinese government the truth that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the principle and characteristic of the universe. The Dafa practitioners' ceaseless effort to preserve the truth will create a new and bright future never before unveiled to mankind. Their dedication and sacrifice will forever become their mighty virtue, and leave behind the most brilliant and magnificent page of history.