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Canadian Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day at Edmonton and Grande Prairie (Photos)

May 28, 2002 |   By a Practitioner from Edmonton, Canada


At the time of the 10th Anniversary of the Public Introduction of Falun Dafa, practitioners from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada organized celebrations in Grande Prairie City on May 4 and in Edmonton on May 11 2002. The members of city parliament and the local governments were very supportive of Falun Dafa. Besides issuing proclamations for Falun Dafa, many government officials and political leaders participated in the celebration and expressed congratulations in persons. The people of both cities showed great interest in studying Falun Dafa after watching the exercise demonstration and reading the Falun Dafa introduction boards. Both activities were attended by reporters and media interviews were granted, which had good Fa-promotion effects.

On May 11 2002, practitioners from Edmonton gathered in Pavilion Park for a celebration. The park is located beside the weekly farmer's market where there were a lot of people and traffic. The practitioners kept strong righteous thoughts all the time and the celebration proceeded smoothly and peacefully. The Falun Dafa practitioners announced the proclamations of "Falun Dafa Month" from nearby cities including Fort McMurray, Morinville, Grande Prairie and read congratulatory letters from a Member of Parliament from Edmonton, Mr. James Rajotte, and other political leaders. Member of Parliament Mr. Rahim Jaffer had just come back from Ottawa on midnight of May 10, but he came to the celebration and gave a congratulatory speech in person. He said he would continue to work with other Canadian Members of Parliament to appeal for the Falun Gong practitioners who were brutally persecuted in China. After the speech, practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises. Many passersby stopped to watch the demonstration, read the display boards and ask for introductory materials. Local media also reported the successful activity.

Before the event, practitioners from Edmonton had driven over 10 hours to the city Grande Prairie on May 4 2002 and celebrated "Falun Dafa Month" with the people of Grande Prairie. Deputy Mayor Mr. Bill Given announced the proclamation at the site. After reading the display boards and watching the demonstration, he showed deep interest in Falun Dafa and happily accepted the truth clarifying VCD from the practitioners. Reporters from local media also showed great interest in Falun Dafa. Later, practitioners set out in different directions. Some went to the local library to donate the Falun Dafa books, some went to Chinese restaurants to clarify truth and distribute truth-clarifying materials there, some took truth-clarifying materials to major shopping centers, and others continued to demonstrate the exercises at the site. One western practitioner happily returned and said, "Now every corner of this town has Falun Dafa materials." People who had predestined relations with Falun Dafa showed their support and interest; some of them wanted to learn the exercises at the site. Even after the practitioners returned to Edmonton, many people from Grande Prairie called and asked for exercise teaching videos.

It is just like the Teacher said in his poem "Dafa Is Good":

Falun Dafa is good

Gradually entering the human realm

The sentient beings need not worry

Gods and Buddhas are already smiling