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The Wicked Police at Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia Province Mercilessly Beat Practitioners to Unconsciousness

May 25, 2002 |  


Tumuji Forced Labor Camp is located in Zhagongte Tribe of Xinanmeng. Falun Gong practitioners from the four union cities in east Inner Mongolia (Hulunbuir, Xinanmeng, Tongliao, and Chifeng) have been illegally detained here.

At the end of August 2001, the male team in the labor camp started to torture Falun Gong practitioners. More than ten practitioners were beaten, locked in small cells, or brutally forced fed. Vice head of the team Zhang Yaguang, guard Wang Liwei, vice head of the sub-squad Zhi Wenqi, Meng Qingcai, and the hygiene clerk, Ding Xiaxi, took the lead in mercilessly beating the practitioners. Zhi Wenqi and Wang Liwei were especially vicious. They would not quit until they beat the practitioners to death or until they lost consciousness. The following are some examples:

1. Guards Wang Liwei, Zhi Wenqi, Meng Qingcai, and Cai Yong took turns beating practitioner Yang Dong and later had the inmates beat him until he lost consciousness. He lost consciousness again at midnight when he got up to use the restroom.

After being on a hunger strike for several days, practitioner Liu Guixiang was brutally beaten twice until losing consciousness. When he woke up, his hands became extremely swollen and he needed help sitting up. However, the police still forced him to work and to do the walking exercise with the inmates.

Practitioner Liu Zichen was beaten upon entering the labor camp. They sent him to a small cell after torturing him. They put him facedown on a bed in the small cell with hands and feet cuffed at the ends of the bed. He could not move. He was released after 20 days in this position

Guard Wang Liwei beat practitioner Wang Jianhua's whole body with a police baton because he opposed the labor camp's posting up pictures that slandered Falun Dafa. The guard struck Jianhua's head three times with a baton, knocking him out, and then dragged him into a small cell. During this time, it was late fall and the temperature was very cold. To further punish him, they did not provide him with fall clothing and bedding, and cuffed his hands to a pipe for 13 days. After this, they then cuffed his hands behind his back for another 13 days. As he sat in this excruciating position, they also kept the door open, freezing him for eight days and eight nights. He was also not allowed to use the toilet for as long as 18 hours and was not given water for as long as 20 hours.

Guards Wang Liwei, Zhi Wenqi, Ding Xiaxi and others shocked practitioner Wang Zhanqian many times because he refused to do the walking exercise with the inmates. They brutally beat him until he lost consciousness, then woke him with cold water and continued beating him. When Zhanqian woke up and asked the vice head Zhang Yaguang why he was letting the guards beat him, a guard kicked Zhanqian's chest, in the area of his heart, and knocked him out again. They also took him into a small cell and beat him for 30 hours.

2. In order to protest the labor camp's posting pictures that slandered Falun Dafa, practitioners Shan Xiaochen, Wang Zhanxiang, and Yang Zhiqiang held a hunger strike. After six days, under the direction of vice head of the sub-squad Meng Qingcai, guard Zhang Yaguang and Wang Liwei shocked them with electric batons and beat them until they lost consciousness. They then handcuffed the three practitioners to the pipes in the small cell and forced them to sit on the cement floor for 60 hours. Yang Zhiqiang finally had to receive fluids because of heart failure. The ninth day into the hunger strike, they handcuffed Wang Zhanxiang and Shan Xiaochen to a set of bunk beds with their hands firmly gripping the iron frame, chins against the frame, tiptoes on the ground, and their whole bodies locked in a painful position. They kept them in this standing position for five nights and four days without being able to sleep. Their legs and feet became swollen and they often went into spasms and unconsciousness. In the meantime, the guards had the inmates Wei Changhai, Bao Zhongxiao, and Huang Shenyang brutally beat the practitioners. Several days after being beaten, the practitioners were forced to work and to do the walking exercise with the inmates. Three months later, they still could not walk normally.

The police and some head inmates in the labor camp arbitrarily cursed and beat practitioners, paying no attention to the law. According to an insider, in 1999, they were instructed to "break two spades everyday" while beating the practitioners during working hours. Those who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners would receive rewards and those who sympathized with the practitioners would be warned and even beaten themselves.

Practitioner Wang Zhichen received the most severe torture. On October 31, 2001, he was locked into a small cell for requesting to be allowed to do the Falun Gong exercises. That night, the vice-head of the sub-squad Zhi Wenqi led inmates Bao Baohe, Qiao Lijun, and Jia Guolong into Wang's cell and tied up Wang with iron wires in the warehouse. They crammed dirty cleaning rags and shoe pads into his mouth, so as to silence him, and hung him up. As he was hanging, they brutally beat him with police batons, and spades wrapped in cloth. On November 2, Zhi Wenqi stripped Wang, whipped him with a belt soaked in water, and beat him with a police baton for half an hour. Guard Wang Liwei forced Zhichen's mouth open and shoved a plastic bag in while restraining him with a cloth strip. He then put a bucket over his head and punched as hard as he could against the bucket. One day, he knocked Zhichen out after hitting him three times with a police baton. He also hung Zhichen for seven days and nights and did not allow him to use the toilet or sleep for 24 hours. He forced hot pepper water down Zhichen's throat, burned his nose with lit cigarettes, and put salt or pepper in the wounds on his hands and feet. Due to these tortures, Zhichen suffered a dangerous amount of weight loss, to the extent that he became delirious. They also refused his family when they requested to visit him.

4. Not only was the labor extremely heavy and beyond tolerance, but the food was awful as well. Practitioners had to plant and shovel in the field for as long as 11 hours without any breaks. Each person could not consume more than 2 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] worth of food per day, although the standard fee for a meal was 4.5 Yuan. They felt hungry all the time and their health was severely damaged.

When practitioners appealed in accordance with the law against this persecution, the vice-head of the team, Zhang Yaguang, even claimed that this was common practice. Regarding the behavior of guard Wang Liwei, they only said that was an inappropriate method to take. The Party Commissar Zhu Jijun said that enforcement measures could be adopted when necessary. Wei, a section chief from Inner Mongolian Labor Camp Bureau, even openly supported the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in Tufuji Labor Camp.