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Seventy-eight Year Old Grandmother Fearlessly Posts Flyers in Police Stations

May 25, 2002 |  


Grandma Li is 78 years old. She gave up her fear of death and stepped out to help Master clarify the truth. She went out frequently to post Dafa flyers. Before grandma went out, she would Heshi (respectful gesture) toward Master's picture and say, "Master, I will go out to help you clarify the truth. I will undertake the greatest and most glorious task of saving sentient beings. I will come back in three hours to tell you the good news."

Once outside, grandma sent forth righteous thoughts and recited Master's Fa-rectification formulas and said in her heart, "I am doing the greatest and the best thing in the world, the evil will not see me!" She fixed her mind on this thought and thought of nothing else, and was afraid of nothing. She posted Dafa flyers along the way. She walked into the police stations and the police departments. Grandma believed that these places were concentrated with evil and she needed to post more Dafa materials there. She posted more than 20 flyers in one police station under the watchful eyes of the policemen. She was not afraid of anything and did it calmly. On her way home, grandma discovered that there was a person following her. She thought she should freeze him. She said, "Freeze," and the person stood there and could not move. She left, and then entered her home calmly and said, "Free [that person]." She told Master that she had returned safely and it seemed that Master smiled at her.