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Minnesota Celebrates World Falun Dafa Day at State Capitol

May 24, 2002 |  

In the central spot in the magnificent State Capitol Building of Minnesota, state government officials, practitioners, and friends held a presentation to honor World Falun Dafa Day.

Minnesota is near the geographic center of the North American continent. Those who attended could look up in the large, round Rotunda section of the Capitol building, with balconies and a large dome overhead. They could feel they were at the center there.

After remarks by a practitioner to welcome everyone to World Falun Dafa Day, State Senator Ellen Anderson gave a short speech commending Falun Dafa and mentioning her efforts to pass a resolution in the State Senate in support of human rights in China. State Senator Gen Olson also attended to show support for Falun Dafa. In addition, a practitioner read a letter of support from another State Senator, Sandy Pappas.

Many cities in Minnesota have issued proclamations or recognition to Falun Dafa. A practitioner read the proclamation from the large city of Bloomington.

The celebration moved outdoors, where practitioners demonstrated the exercises on the broad and dignified front steps of the State Capitol building. Soothing music played softly as practitioners performed the exercises. Some practitioners held banners and balloons, which swayed in the breeze and added color to the festive, yet solemn occasion.

Twice the exercise demonstration was interrupted by rainfall on this Spring afternoon. Twice, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts and the rain stopped. By the end of the celebration, the sun was shining warmly and the ground was dry.

Local media and passers-by accepted information and asked questions. The state near the center of North America is welcoming and getting to know Dafa more and more.