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The Truth about Dafa Practitioner Wu Cuiying's Death by Police in Datong City, Shanxi Province

May 24, 2002 |   By An Insider

May 17, 200

(Clearwisdom.net) At about 8:00 p.m. on May 14, 2001, Zhang Ji and Wang Biao from the Police Department's Political and Security Division led police to Wu Cuiying's home to arrest her. Prior to this, Ms. Wu had been illegally detained twice for persisting in practicing Falun Dafa. After that, the police went several times to her home to arrest her and search her home but failed to find her. They also threatened her husband every time they were there.

On May 14, nobody answered the door when the police came, so the police stayed outside the door to wait until someone came home. At about 9:00 p.m., Zhang Ji and Wang Biao called additional police and started climbing up the side of the building to reach Ms. Wu's apartment on the sixth floor. They broke the window to get into the apartment. At this point, Ms. Wu was forced to jump from the sixth floor. Ms. Wu's husband followed her and also jumped. Ms. Wu's husband was not injured, but Ms. Wu died at 11:00 p.m. after emergency treatment failed to save her life. Many people living in the residential complex witnessed how the police climbed up to the sixth floor, broke the windows to the apartment and how Wu Cuiying was forced to jump out of the building.

After this incidence, instead of trying to save Ms. Wu's life, the police immediately arrested Ms. Wu's husband in the name of protecting him. The police disallowed Ms. Wu's husband to go to the hospital to see his wife before she passed away. They also required all the employees of the No. 5 Police Hospital not to disclose the truth about Ms. Wu's death.

Ms. Wu and her husband suffered such persecution until the loss of Ms. Wu's life simply because they practiced Falun Gong to become better people. Ms. Wu benefited both spiritually and physically from practicing Falun Gong. She was nice to everyone and all her neighbors knew she was a very decent person. Such a tragedy would not have happened if it were not for the police that kept persecuting and mistreating her.

We hope all kind-hearted people remember Wu Cuiying and how she died for the dignity and with her faith of Falun Dafa.
