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Practitioners in Chinese Prisons to Teacher: We Are Your Disciples

May 21, 2002 |   By Practitioners in Chinese Prisons


At the present time when the cosmos is facing complete destruction, Teacher is rectifying all life that exists in the layers upon layers of universes in the cosmos with his great compassion. Dafa is revealing miracles in the human world and displaying the Fa's mighty power in the universe!

The evil forces have become desperate. They viciously spread rumors and brutally persecute Dafa throughout China. They slander Teacher, they persecute Dafa practitioners and they poison all sentient beings.

Facing such slander against the Buddha Fa, the Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples solemnly pledged: 'We will rectify Dafa with our lives, offer salvation to all living beings and completely eliminate the evil!'

Dafa practitioners have been able to break through layers upon layers of obstacles in order to go to Beijing to peacefully appeal. Tiananmen Square has become the focus of the battle between righteousness and evil. The voice of "Falun Dafa is good!" encapsulated the power of righteousness, reverberating in the sky above the square and awakening people's hearts.

Underneath the red flag in Tiananmen Square, the vicious police kicked a 20-year-old girl to death near the fences. Waves upon waves of demons swung their sticks, and the practitioners' blood has stained many bricks red and tinged the sky pink. With blood on their faces and compassion in their hearts, they kept telling people with a smile on their face, "You should know that Falun Dafa is good!"

Twenty-year-old Zhao Jing told her fellow practitioners, "When I manage to save 200 Yuan I will go to Beijing to tell them that Dafa is good and that Teacher has been treated unjustly." Finally she was able to save 200 Yuan, but she never made it to Tiananmen Square, as she was beaten to death by the police on her way to Beijing.

The evil that exists all over the country has completely lost its senses. Practitioners have been laid off, discharged from work and put in prison, from Changchun to Beijing, from Hainan to Wuhan, north and south of the Yangtze River, inside China and abroad, so many Ding Yan's and so many Zhang Xiaoya's have had their precious lives taken away by the evil for the sake of validating Dafa and saving all beings. However, with the compassion, wisdom and power that Teacher has given us, we are capable of doing anything and we are manifesting the righteous conduct of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples, again and again demonstrating the boundless power of Dafa.

The brutal torture that the evil has used against Dafa practitioners cannot shake the practitioners' righteous thoughts. One practitioner was tied to an electricity pole and then savaged to death by four wolf-like policemen, but he would only say one thing from beginning to end, "Dafa is good. I will not give up."

The truth of Dafa has spread all over the world; the sound from little speakers clarifying the truth has spread all over China; banner after banner stating: "Falun Dafa is good" descend from the sky; balloon after balloon with Dafa streamers ascend from the earth; truth-clarifying materials are everywhere, striking terror into the evil forces. These acts are the manifestations of the universal truth in the human world. Dafa practitioners have no fear when facing the brutal persecution. We have put down selfishness to expose the evil, validate Dafa and save all beings. So many practitioners have been sent to jail and endured inhumane torture. But they still tried to clarify the truth to the people in the jail. So many practitioners have had their families broken apart and have been forced to become homeless. Many practitioners have walked countless miles, spreading the truth to thousands of homes and posting flyers on every street while wearing tattered shoes.

All of these things together with practitioner's magnificent compassion and great power have eliminated so much evil and saved so many sentient beings. Many people who used to curse at us were moved to tears after they learned the truth, and they finally came to realize that Dafa is good. We feel so honored to be Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples.

Teacher, we miss you! We are your disciples!