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Spreading the Fa in Nara, a Japanese City with an Ancient History

May 16, 2002 |   By practitioners from Osaka, Japan


On May 5 and 6, practitioners from Osaka and Kyoto went to Nara to spread the Fa and to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

It is the anniversary of 1250 years since the consecration of the Buddha statue in the East Great Temple this year. Thousands of people came to visit the temple. We set up Falun Dafa posters and banners at the entrance of the temple and at the exit of the Nara Train Stop. Then we started to practice the Falun Dafa exercises while distributing truth-clarification newsletters.

We met a lot of Chinese visitors when we distributed newsletters. In most cases, they would take our materials. One tourist group from Mainland China shouted out, "Falun Dafa?!" when they saw the Falun Dafa yellow T-shirts that we were wearing. Some practitioners went over to them and handed out newsletters to them. Each of them took one copy and immediately started to read it. When they finished reading them, they carefully folded the newsletters and returned them to us. They didn't leave until they read our posters. Another tourist group from Mainland China stopped at our posters. Their leader shouted to them, not permitting them to read the posters. However, he himself was attracted to the posters and started to read them. Other people in that group then returned and joined him. After reading the posters, they took our newsletters and left.

We handed out over eight thousand copies of truth-clarification newsletters in just two days of spreading the Fa. More and more people of the world want to know about the truth. People around the world are waiting for their chance to obtain the Fa.

It is just as Teacher said,

"Meanwhile, as a result of more and more evil being eliminated in the Fa-rectification, the thoughts of the people of the world have become less severely restrained. So in this situation, you've found that when you explain the truth about the persecution to people again, they're not as indifferent as before and they're happy to accept it, as if they'd never heard about the persecution of Dafa disciples. And more and more, the people of the world want to know about the truth" (From Teacher's Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.).