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The Terror in Changchun Could Not Stop My Steps in Fa-rectification

May 16, 2002 |   Written by a Dafa disciple


In the days after March 5, the whole city of Changchun was covered with terror. Fellow practitioners told me one night that provincial officials and police had issued the order to arrest all Dafa disciples whose names had been recorded in police stations. If a single Dafa book or pamphlet were found in any practitioner's home, he/she would be sentenced to jail. The sentence could be reduced for one year if an arrested practitioner reported any fellow practitioners to police. Police hid and watched 24 hours a day and they would shoot at any practitioner who was seen posting or distributing Dafa materials.

It is very hard to keep the mind unmoved in such a difficult environment. Some fellow practitioners started to transfer Dafa books and materials or move to other places. The first thought I had when I heard about this news was: I had to look at the question from the principles that are higher than the human level, and recognize that our cultivated side would rectify the Fa. Whoever dared to block Fa-rectification would receive the largest retribution. "When a tribulation arrives, if you, a disciple, can truly maintain an unshakable calm or be determined to meet different requirements at different levels, this should be sufficient for you to pass the test." ("Expounding on the Fa" in Essentials for Further Advances)

Police went to one fellow practitioner's home and on the second day, she sent all Dafa materials to my home. I didn't think about transferring them again because it would create "pressure" for other practitioners no matter whose home I transferred the materials to. Which place was safe? Only when my own heart was unmoved, was it safe. Since the materials had been sent to my place, that meant I should take care of them. On the evening of March 9, I took some truth-clarifying materials and went out. Before I left, I first sent forth the righteous thoughts: No evil was allowed to interfere in my dimensional field. I would definitely eliminate whoever dared to interfere. I asked Master Li to help me, and then I went out to distribute truth clarification materials. I thought about denying all old forces' arrangements. I went to buildings one by one and distributed truth clarification materials to every family. During this process, there were noises from cars and people's voices. At that time, I didn't have any thought in mind, and I smoothly finished the things that I wanted to do.

During the month of the evil's vicious persecution, I went out three times, posted and distributed Dafa truth materials, and also hung Dafa banners. It doesn't matter how much I have done, I think my courage to step forward to work for Dafa at such a time was breaking through the old forces' arrangements and denying the old forces. The evil would thus disappear themselves. We could catch up with the process of Fa-rectification only if our minds could catch up with it, not words.

I hope fellow practitioners can kindly point out to me any inappropriate points in my above understandings.