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World Falun Dafa Day in Cork, Ireland (Photos)

May 15, 2002 |  

Monday, May 13, 2002

On May 11, practitioners from Ireland and England held peaceful celebrations for World Falun Dafa day in Cork, Ireland's second biggest city. Practitioners displayed the exercises, clarified the truth to the citizens of Cork and held a parade through the city center.

Local practitioners experienced some interference in the organizing of the parade: in that police at the police station lost the request for the parade. The police told practitioners that it was impossible to have the parade on the main road. As a result, practitioners held the parade around the city on the footpath.

The parade was peaceful and serene displaying the beauty of Dafa to the people of Cork.

Although there were only about twenty practitioners, with so many large banners and righteous thoughts, a powerful energy field was present. Hundreds of leaflets were handed out during the parade and hundreds more during the demonstration earlier in the day.

Overall, the day was a huge success.



