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Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibition in Vienna; Austrian Celebration Activities Begin

May 14, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 7, 2002, Ms. Zhang Cuiying's painting exhibition was held in Vienna, which was the first of a series of events in Austria to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Falun Dafa's wide spreading in the world.

The Vice-president in charge of culture and education in the Asia and Africa Institute of Vienna, and spokespersons from Amnesty International and a Christian Human Rights Organization successively delivered speeches at the opening ceremony of the art exhibition. They highly appraised Ms. Zhang Cuiying's artistic work, praised her for her attempts to stop China's persecution of Falun Gong, and appealed for people to take action together to stop the brutal persecution. Officials in charge of culture in Vienna sent a letter of congratulations to the art exhibition, and wished in advance the exhibition's success.