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Latest News from China - 05/05/2002

May 13, 2002 |  


  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Detained Practitioners Resist the Persecution with Their Righteous Thoughts
  • [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] It Is Believed That Two Work Units Played TV and Radio Programs Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong
  • [Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province] Seven Dafa Practitioners Arrested
  • [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Twenty Senior Dafa Practitioners Were Illegally Sent to Xishanping Forced Labor Camp
  • [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioners Detained in Maojiashan Female Forced Labor Camp Unfurl Banners
  • [Beian City, Heilongjiang Province] Police "Post Rewards" in Trying to Arrest Practitioners
  • [China] The Family Members Are Forced to Sign "Contracts": "If You Do Not Monitor Them Well, You Will Go to Jail."
  • [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Perpetrators Plan to Escalate the Persecution
  • 9. [Shanghai City] Plain Clothes Police Investigate Information Technology Companies

1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Detained Practitioners Resist the Persecution with Their Righteous Thoughts

My mother, a retired professor of Jilin University, is 67 years old. Because she firmly cultivates Dafa and clarifies the truth to people, she was abducted on February 9, 2002 and forced to attend a brainwashing class in Changchun City. On April 16, she was sentenced to 2 years in a forced labor camp. Currently she is being detained in Heizuizi Women's Prison. When my sister visited her at the prison, she heard the following report from my mother.

Among the practitioners detained in Heizuizi Women's Prison there was one who participated in the great deed of clarifying the truth through a cable TV network on March 5, 2002. As a result, the prison guards brutally tortured this practitioner and they put cuffs and shackles on her. All other Dafa practitioners in the prison went on a hunger strike to protest the inhumane torture. After 8 days, the police finally took the cuffs and shackles off of the practitioner. After having been on a hunger strike for 8 days, my mother was still glowing with health, manifesting the mighty power of Dafa.

2. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] It Is Believed That Two Work Units Played TV and Radio Programs Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong

A taxi driver told a practitioner that a truth-clarifying program was played on the closed circuit TV of No. 18 Metallurgic General Contractors Company. The taxi driver's wife watched the program. The driver also said that he picked up some people who work for Chongqing Daily News, who told him that some people recently used the radio station at Chongqing University to broadcast some programs clarifying the truth of Falun Gong.

3. [Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province] Seven Dafa Practitioners Were Arrested

Individuals carrying out the persecution in Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province have started another round of illegal arrests of local practitioners. It is believed that some practitioners have been arrested and the homes of some practitioners have been ransacked. According to inside news coming from Kedong County Police Department, seven practitioners were arrested. The illegal arrests are still happening.

4. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Twenty Senior Dafa Practitioners Illegally Sent to Xishanping Forced Labor Camp

Xue Jihong is a 64-year-old Dafa practitioner and was illegally sentenced to 2 years in a forced labor camp in July 2001. Xue is now detained in Xishanping Forced Labor Camp (located in Beipei District, Chongqing City). In March 2002, when Xue's family members went to visit him, his physical condition was still not bad. Yet two days later, the labor camp called Xue's family members by phone telling them to go and visit Xue. At the time of the visit, Xue could not walk by himself. Two guards helped him to walk to the visiting area. Knowing that Xue had obviously been tortured, his family members were in deep sorrow.

Since 1999, more than 20 practitioners who are over 60 years old have been detained in Xishanping Forced Labor Camp. Sending people over 60 years old or people who are not capable of physical labor to forced labor camps is against the labor re-education laws and regulations of China.

Practitioners over 60 years old illegally sent to Xishanping Forced Labor Camp include:

Zhang Yougao: male, 64, professor and senior engineer in Chongqing University.

Gu Jiushou: male, 64, engineer in Chongqing University.

Jiang Anming: male, 64, retired manager of Chongqing Normal University.

Wang Zhande, male, 64, retired manager of Chongqing Power Bureau.

Liu Shurong, male, 61, dean of Longshui Town Middle School (in Dazu County)

Xiao Zeju, male, 66, retired technician of Chuandong Petroleum Management Bureau.

Xue Jihong, male, 64, retired worker of Chongqing Petroleum Equipment Repairing Plant.

Jiang Lilong, male, 67, resident of Jiangbei District.

Yan Xingpei, male, 65, farmer of Jinfeng Town, Kai County.

Li Genliang, male, 60, resident of Yongchuan City.

The names of many other senior practitioners detained are unknown. The oldest among them is 71 years old.

5. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioners Detained in Maojiashan Female Forced Labor Camp Unfurl Banners

On May 13, 2001, female Dafa practitioners detained in Maojiashan Female Forced Labor Camp unfurled banners that read, "Falun Gong is good," and "Falun Dafa is a righteous cultivation way." This great deed of the practitioners shocked the evil.

May 13 is World Falun Dafa Day. Although closely monitored by inmates, the female practitioners inside the labor camp made the banners under their quilts. They used clothes and quilt covers to make the banners and wrote or embroidered characters with pencil lead or needles. Inside the labor camp, the characters shocked the evil. The effect was as if the evil had been struck by the sword of justice.

When the practitioners unfurled the banner in the labor camp, the female guards were both furious and scared. They teamed up with some inmates to beat the practitioners. Later on, practitioners Zhou Zhonghong, Yang Mingqun, Peng Xiuling, Huang Jianjun, Zou Zhangrong, Wu Yanfang, Zhang Guizhen, Li Yuqiong and Zhang Zhenying were hung up in the air by handcuffs for 7 days. The practitioners were also not allowed food. Practitioner He Suqun was tortured in this manner for 2 weeks.

In December 2001, practitioner Hu Yali, Li Li, Liu Ling, and Zhang Zhenying were tortured for refusing to wear the labor camp's uniform. The guards beat, handcuffed, and hung them up (during the period in which they were hung, practitioners were not allowed any food) for 10 days. As a result of the prolonged torture, Zhang Zhenying's feet were paralyzed, so she was released in January 2002.

Female camp guards He Zhongling and Hu Xiaoyan often cursed and tortured practitioners utilizing vicious methods.

6. [Beian City, Heilongjiang Province] Police "Post Rewards" in Trying to Arrest Practitioners

On the night of April 17, 2002, the police of Beian City started wantonly arresting Dafa practitioners. By now, over 20 practitioners have been arrested and more than 10 practitioners were forced to become homeless to avoid being arrested. Practitioner Xu Xiaowei and Zhang Qiuling were arrested while they were distributing truth-clarifying materials in November 2001. The two practitioners were sentenced to 2 years in jail. The police posted awards of 5,000 to 10,000 Yuan [Chinese dollar. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is about 500 Yuan, but only 200 Yuan for a rural worker.] for help in arresting practitioners Zhao Hongjun, his wife Chen Qing, Li Yuanyuan, Sun Daoying, Gao Xiaowei, and Jiang Zhigang. The police conducted a thorough search while trying to arrest these practitioners. They also harassed these practitioners' friends and relatives and monitor their phones.

7. [China] The Family Members Are Forced to Sign "Contracts": "If You Do Not Monitor Them Well, You Will Go to Jail."

The practitioners released from forced labor camps, detention centers and brainwashing classes do not really have freedom. In one area, the police stations, street community offices and their work units monitor the released practitioners. They are told not to leave town. Some neighbors are ordered to monitor the practitioners. Some have said that these neighbors are being paid to monitor the practitioners. In other cases, several colleagues from the work unit monitor one practitioner. If the practitioners do anything that violates the persecutor's "rules," the people that are monitoring are punished. Some practitioners' children are forced to sign "contracts" with their work units. If their parents violate the "rules," they will be fired or even sent to jail along with their parents. These practitioners' children are all forced to stay at home watching their parents, which means that they cannot work. Jiang's regime tramples the laws and persecutes benevolent people.

8. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Perpetrators Plan to Escalate the Persecution

The perpetrators in Qingdao City, including the local "610" office [Note: The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems], are planning another round of persecution. According to inside news from the Qingdao Police Department, the city "610" office is putting together a list of practitioners and preparing to escalate the persecution.

9. [Shanghai City] Plain Clothes Police Investigate Information Technology Companies

Recently, some plain-clothes police visited many information technology companies. The companies were asked to provide a list of addresses and phone numbers of all their employees. Exactly why the police are doing this is unknown, yet we can see that the Jiang-Luo Regime is exhausting every resource in trying to prevent people from learning the truth.
