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Taiwan Dafa Practitioners Spread Dafa at the CKS International Airport (Photos)

May 10, 2002 |   By Taiwanese practitioner Qingying

(Clearwisdom.net) To let tourists from Mainland China and other countries visiting Taiwan to learn the truth about Falun Dafa, the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association posted several large Hongfa photos on the advertisement display boards located at the customs entrance of Terminal One.

Starting from the beginning of this year, practitioners from the Greater Taoyuan area have been taking turns to come to Terminal One to unfurl a banner reading "Welcome Falun Gong Practitioners!" to welcome practitioners who pass in and out of the International Airport. Practitioners observe the airport's rules and do not disturb the travelers.

The airport tourist bureau allows us to put on the counters newspapers that include introductions to Taiwan scenic sites but are sponsored by practitioners so that tourists can pick them up free of charge. We sometimes introduce this pure, fresh and healthy newspaper to those who read Chinese including Chinese people from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Mainland China, to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to them.