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Spreading Falun Dafa at the Chung-Cheng Memorial Hall in Taiwan (Photos)

April 30, 2002 |   By practitioners from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of April 28, Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan came to the well-known, scenic site "Chung-Cheng Memorial Hall" to spread Dafa. The half-day activity included demonstrating the five sets of exercises, distributing truth-clarification materials and holding a small photo exhibition.

Tourists from many countries were coming and going. Quite a few Italian tourists accepted the truth-clarification materials despite the language barrier. After learning the truth about Dafa, a Japanese tourist immediately expressed that Falun Dafa practitioners were truly good.

At noon when the activity ended, the practitioners had distributed over 100 sets of truth-clarification materials. The truth has been planted into people's hearts, and they are waiting for the moment when Fa rectifies the human world.

A small scale of photo exhibition Group practice (Standing movements) Group practice (Sitting meditation)
