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Canberra Times: No cult

April 03, 2002 |   By Mrs Leslie Leckie

Tuesday, 2 April 2002


Dear Sir,

I've been practicing Falun Dafa for eight months now and know it too be a self cultivation practice that benefits both physical health and mental well being. Bearing this in mind, it seems totally ludicrous to me that such a peaceful practice that practices Truth, Compassion and Tolerance could be seriously labeled a 'cult' at all, let along an evil one.

I am just a normal housewife and mother who helps run a small business from home - my husband doesn't practice Falun Dafa yet would be the first to tell you that it has only been good for me.

I used to have bad back pain which vanished soon after I began practicing Falun Gong. I can get a lot more work done without getting tired, and have much less stress. In fact the list could go on and on.

I hope that you print my letter to let your readers know that Falun Gong truly stands for Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance something that the world definitely needs more of.


Related Story: Ambassador attacks Falun Gong

http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/detailops.asp?class=your+say&opinion_id= 18827
