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Standard(Ottawa): Niagara Woman Freed in China

April 03, 2002 |   By Jim Bronskill

ááááááááááá A Brock University student has returned safely to Canada after apparently being arrested in Beijing for protesting the Chinese ban on the Falun Gong meditation [group].


ááááááááááá Christine Loftus and her American boyfriend Jason Pomerleau were seized by Chinese officers Thursday outside a marketplace, a New York-based organization of Falun Gong supporters said.


ááááááááááá Loftus's family received word late Friday she had arrived in Vancouver and was en route to Ontario.


ááááááááááá Loftus, 22, and Pomerleau, 25, of Boston, had traveled to Beijing to raise awareness about the government's crackdown on Falun Gong, a practice of meditation and exercise with roots in traditional Chinese culture.


ááááááááááá In July 1999, the [Jiang Zemin's regime] outlawed the practice. Supporters say thousands of Falun Gong followers have been detained and hundreds killed.[...] Fifteen Chinese police officers hauled Loftus and Pomerleau from a busy Beijing street, said the Falun Dafa Information Center.


ááááááááááá Family members began to worry when they had not heard from Loftus, a second-year child and youth studies major at Brock. They then came across information about the arrest on the internet.


ááááááááááá "It is difficult," her mother Mary said earlier Friday from Barrie. "I'm very anxious to hear that she's OK."


ááááááááááá In Ottawa, Foreign Affairs spokesman Reynald Doiron said inquiries by Canadian officials in Beijing had yielded no information from Chinese authorities about Loftus, who arrived in China this week.


ááááááááááá Loftus and Pomerleau, who met at a 1999 Falun Gong conference in Toronto, were also distributing pamphlets about the practice and the Chinese government's response.


ááááááááááá In an article for the Brock Press student newspaper, Loftus wrote that despite pressure from [Jiang Zemin's regime], Chinese practitioners of Falun Gong maintained their belief in the practice. "Through their own experiences, they have come to understand how precious and true these principles are to their lives."
