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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Condemns Crackdown On Journalists

April 26, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) From BBC Monitoring

April 24, 2002

Text of press release in English by Paris-based organization Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) on 23 April

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontieres RSF) has written to Ding Guangen, Head of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee's Propaganda Department, condemning the crackdown on Chinese journalists and citizens attempting to challenge the state's and the Communist Party's monopoly on information. "Over recent weeks, we have learned of the arrest of a journalist, the closure of a magazine, charges of circulating banned documents being brought against [practitioners] of the Falun Gong [...] and a wave of repression in the Xinjiang province.

These events demonstrate yet again the use of force by the Chinese government in implementing its unchallenged media monopoly", states Robert Menard, the organization's secretary-general. "Arresting people who are peacefully seeking media access is a blatant and serious violation of the right to pluralism in information. While not commenting on the ideas put forward by religious movements such as Falun Gong, RSF believes that all Chinese people, regardless of race, religion or social group, have the right to express their opinions in the media", adds Mr Menard. RSF calls on the propaganda chief to halt the repression of those who try to resist the stranglehold of the censure. [...]

In March, the Chinese and foreign press were prevented from covering widespread workers' strikes in the northern city of Liaoyang. Only a few local newspapers and the state television mentioned the strike action, denouncing the workers' leaders as law-breaking criminals. Four of them are still under arrest.

In Beijing, Wang Kun, editor of the magazine Huaxia Yingcai (Brilliant Chinese), is due to be tried by a Beijing court over the coming weeks for "unlawful publication" of this magazine and for "impeding the social order and the market". According to the daily South China Morning Post, the journalist's arrest followed the banning of this new magazine, which is registered in Hong Kong rather than in mainland China as the law requires.

Launched in Beijing in 1996, the monthly Huaxia Yingcai claims to have a circulation of more than 100,000 in mainland China, notably among Communist Party executives. Relatively uncritical of the Communist regime, the magazine had however in February 2001 published an interview with Nobel prize-winner Gao Xingjian, "outlawed" by Beijing. But according to an official in charge of the crackdown on "illegal publications", quoted in the South China Morning Post, the Huaxia Yingcai was never given authorization to publish. The authorities appear to be criticizing the magazine's editor for having attempted to mislead readers and advertisers by using a name similar to that of the paper Zhonghua Yingcai, supported by National People's Congress Chairman Li Peng.

In addition, nine [practitioners] of the Falun Gong [...] were charged on 18 April by a court in Changchun (North-East of the country) with [Jiang regime's slanderous term omitted]. The authorities claim that Falun Gong illegally broadcast two documentaries about the persecution of this movement, which has been banned since July 1999, on cable television early in March. Members of the movement took over television channels in order to broadcast the films, arousing the anger of the authorities. Chinese police investigated Falun Gong [practitioners] in Changchun for several weeks before arresting some 20 suspects. [...] The defendants risk a prison sentence of up to 15 years.

At the same time, the economics editor of the Guangzhou Daily (in the South of the country) was questioned by police for several hours following his unwitting publication of two poems attributed to Falun Gong leader Li Hongzhi. According to the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po, the journalist was arrested early in April following the publication on 30 March of these two texts, which speak of suffering and spiritual salvation using economic metaphors.


Finally, in February 2002, the minister of communication drew up a list of 10 failings of the Chinese press, including "undermining the Communist Party Committees", being "too independent" or "attaching value to Western-style journalism". It appears that, in the lead-up to the Communist Party Congress in September 2002, at which Hu Jintao is due to be designated president, the Propaganda and Public Security Departments have been given the task of putting an end to criticism, notably in the media.

Source: Reporters Sans Frontieres press release, Paris, in English 23 Apr 02