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President of a Newspaper in China: "This is Part of a Quota Set by Higher Authorities. We Have to Attack You."

April 21, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) After reading the articles on Clearwisdom, I would like to write about something that happened two years ago. Shortly after July 20, 1999, when Jiang's regime started to attack Falun Dafa, a well-known newspaper in my city published an article using the name of a local contact person. They were implying that even the key contact person had given up, so why should we continue to practice? However, they didn't know that we "regard the Fa as our teacher" and do not have role models. We only care about how we can do better ourselves. We didn't think the contact person would say something like this. We found her later and she told us the following.

She said that when the reporter came, she wasn't home. Her father, who knew that Falun Dafa was good, turned the reporter away. For fear of losing his job, the reporter copied something from other newspapers, signed her name to it, and had it published in the paper. When she went to the newspaper and demanded clarification about the article, the president of the newspaper asked how much money she wanted and said that they would compensate her. He thought that we were like others and that money could buy anything. She said, "I don't want any money. Please make an announcement in the paper and clarify the situation." The president replied, "This is part of a quota was set by higher authorities. We have to attack you." She then said that she would appeal. The president told her that no one would take her case. She couldn't think of anything else to do, so she left.

A clear-minded person should realize what Jiang's regime has done. They are capable of doing anything. They are an evil group with no moral standards.