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Report from Goslar (Germany): Events in Goslar During the Chinese President's State Visit

April 20, 2002 |  

To give dictator Jiang Zemin not a moment's rest, we went even to such a small town as Goslar to scatter the evil spirits with our righteous thoughts.

Our parade formed in front of the train station on Friday, April 12, 2002, at 3:00 p.m. We carried small and large banners to let people know who we were and why we had congregated there. The three outer rows of participants carried stacks of newspapers that we would hand to passers-by on the street. Under police escort, we slowly walked through the old town. We had followers until we arrived at Jakobi Church square - curiosity seekers as well as local news media representatives, with and without cameras. The parade did not last long, but for such a small town it created excitement and was effective, which had been our aim from the beginning.

We did our exercises at the church square, calmly and serenely, much to the incredulity of passers-by who are used to lots of noise from different kinds of parades. The pleasing Dafa music added to the harmonious effect.

Jiang was expected to arrive around 5:00 p.m. the precise moment when it was time for us to send forth righteous thoughts. After a brief excursion into town, we met together again at the church square. 5:00 p.m. was the correct arrival time! I have never before felt the power, energy and effectiveness of our righteous thoughts as I did then: everyone was in deep concentration, in spite of young mingling mothers and fathers with their children, or the dogs, or the helicopter propeller noises overhead. It is difficult to put into words what I actually experienced. It seemed as if the thoughts pierced all the noise and barriers and reached their goal - the evil.

A huge police force from all over northern Germany had sealed off the inner city. Local citizens found this ridiculous and at the same time highly inconvenient.

I spoke with an official manning the barricades. At first I gave the impression of being a tourist who was interested in visiting the historic emperor's castle and asked for directions to a well-known café close by. I commented that it was such a waste of effort, money and manpower for such a rube. "He is, after all, a statesman visiting here and there are certain national rules and regulations that must be observed." But, like all his colleagues who were in earshot, he grinned to himself. I then asked him whether he was aware of what was really happening in China? I told him that I practice Falun Gong and had come here with other practitioners to confront Jiang, who is such a tyrant in his own country. All those who listened to me had already heard of Falun Gong, but could not make the connection to any events. They were on duty, but put the Dafa-information [I gave them] into their uniform pockets. It remains to be seen whether or not a light will go on in their heads.