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A Driver, an Intellectual, a Cultural Relic Collector, and a Villager Clarify the Truth

April 18, 2002 |  


A motorcycle driver: Falun Gong is extraordinary!

One day I was riding on a motorcycle, I asked the driver, "Have you heard of Falun Gong?" He was obviously excited and said, "Falun Gong is extraordinary! Look at the street, ha, there are Falun Gong truth-clarifying stickers and flyers everywhere. Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are great!" The driver also mentioned a lot about the goodness of Dafa. I told him I was also practicing Falun Gong; he nodded his head to show respect.

An experienced writer: the Falun Gong practitioners I have seen are all good

Lao Wang is an experienced writer at work. Before, he used to believe the rumors from the TV propaganda, so he had questions about Falun Gong. Later on, there were often practitioners clarifying the truth about Dafa to him, which allowed him to distinguish the bad from the good. Now when someone mentions Falun Gong, he always explains to them, "Falun Gong is very welcomed worldwide, dozens of countries have people learning Falun Gong, Why do these incidents of immolation and claims of killing people [happening in China as claimed by the government propaganda] not happen in these other countries? Moreover, there are almost a thousand people practicing Falun Gong here at our small area. We have never seen or heard about any practitioner committing suicide or killing others because they practiced Falun Gong. The practitioners I have seen are all good, you should not listen to the lies from the TV and the newspapers."

A cultural relic collector: I collected those as precious cultural relics

Recently, I went to a friend's home for some matters. This friend is a fan of cultural relics. I saw a lot of Falun Dafa materials and flyers displayed in his room. He said, "I picked up flyers from outside. Those Dafa materials were squeezed into the crack between my door and the frame by practitioners. I collected them all. Although I have not learned Falun Gong, I know Falun Gong is good to our country and people. These materials and flyers will be good historical evidence in the future, so I collected them as cultural relics. If someone comes, I will show them these materials and flyers, and tell them what the TV said are lies, they should not listen to them. These are the truth." I asked, "Aren't you afraid of someone causing troubles for you?" He replied, "What I am afraid of? I am doing cultural relic collection, I can collect any cultural relics; I have my own legal rights."

A simple but brave villager posted Dafa posters twice

A villager, in his 30's, from Pingshan County of Hebei Province, posted up a Dafa poster again that had been taken down. When there were many people gathered around the poster, one person tried to take it down again. The villager sternly said, "What does the subject of the poster matter to you? Although I am not practicing Falun Gong, who doesn't know that they are really good people. Every sentence on the poster is the truth. Now I post it up again. Who dares to take it off?" All the people watched with respect as the villager righteously placed the poster on the electric pole again.