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Latest News from China - 04/06/2002

April 14, 2002 |  


  • [China] Jiang's Regime Plans to Slander Falun Dafa on College Entrance Exams In Order to Pollute Students' Minds
  • [Beijing] "610 Office" in Beijing Secretly Investigates Falun Gong Practitioners in Preparation for Brainwashing Classes and Associated Extortion
  • [Beijing] "100 Days of Thorough Screening of Rental Property" in Beijing
  • [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Jianxin Unjustly Sentenced to Forced "Re-education" Labor
  • [Shangdong Province] Various Falun Gong Truth Materials and Banners Appear on a University Campus
  • [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Dragnet Screening to Enforce Brainwashing Is Planned As "Instructed by Higher Authorities"
  • [Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province] Zaozihe Forced Labor Camp Instigates Inmates to Brutally Beat Falun Dafa Practitioner Kong Lingxin
  • [North China] Practitioners Hold Several Successful Local Fa Conferences
  • [Shandong Province] Exposing the Persecution of My Family
  • [Heilongjiang Province] Faluns Show Up in the Evening Sky
  • [Chongqing] Crimes in Liziba Detention Center
  • [Sichuan Province] Police Guards of the Linshui Detention Center Force-Feed Female Practitioners on Hunger Strike
  • [Heilongjiang Province] Jiansanjiang Agriculture Bureau Qingdeli Farmland Persecutes Practitioners
  • [Qinghai Province] Vicious People Persecute Dafa and Practitioners
  • [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Phone Numbers of the Xiaodian District Police Department
  • [Hebei Province] Save Those Who Have "Enlightened" Along an Evil Path

1. [China] Jiang's Regime Plans to Slander Falun Dafa on College Entrance Exams In Order to Pollute Students' Minds

The annual college entrance examination is approaching. Sources in China say that Jiang's regime plans to pollute the minds of high school students by revising the entrance examination with questions that slander Falun Dafa. Chinese, English, political science, and history are the four courses affected. The teachers who are responsible for the four subjects have taught their students to defame Falun Dafa. According to Politics and Current Affairs Newspaper, students in northern China often publish articles that slander Falun Dafa. As for students who regard college education as their lifetime goal, what they are facing is indeed the most difficult choice of their future. We hope that Falun Dafa practitioners who have read this report can send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate this evil arrangement.

2. [Beijing] "610 Office" in Beijing Secretly Investigates Falun Gong Practitioners in Preparation for Brainwashing Classes and Associated Extortion

It is learned that the "610 Office" in Beijing [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] has issued orders to launch a new campaign to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. We have seen that various districts have started secret investigations on Falun Gong practitioners who once caved in to government pressure. If anyone is found to be still practicing Falun Gong, he or she will be forcibly sent to "re-education" class. If brainwashing is ineffective and the practitioner still refuses to "break away" [from Falun Gong], forced labor "re-education" is to follow.

I was forcibly taken to a brainwashing class. Each attendee had to pay 5000 Yuan. [The average monthly salary of an urban worker is about 500 Yuan.] The total cost of each person is 100 Yuan per day. The brainwashing session lasted ten days, which would add up to 1000 Yuan. Where did the remaining 4000 Yuan go? Isn't it clear who has been extorting money [from the practitioners]?

3. [Beijing] "100 Days of Thorough Screening of Rental Property" in Beijing

Currently, slogans of "100 days of thorough screening of rental property" in Beijing are written on chalkboards of residential communities. This round up focuses on people from out of town. We hope Falun Dafa practitioners will adhere to righteous thoughts and eliminate the sabotage attempted by the evil forces.

4. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Jianxin Unjustly Sentenced to Forced "Re-education" Labor

Falun Dafa practitioner, Zhang Jianxin, worked at the No. 2 National Cotton Textile Factory in Shijiazhouang City. He had severe myocarditis [heart disease] before practicing Falun Gong. After he obtained the Fa, his health fully recovered. He also experienced a spiritual renewal, an improvement in morality, and he became an outstanding employee at his job in a factory. Before February 12, 2002, the Chinese lunar New Year's Day, policemen from Dongfeng Road Police Station abducted Zhang Jianxin while he was distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor. He is currently being held in the No. 4 Large Team in Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp.

Telephone number of Li Weimin, West Dongfeng Road Police Station: 011-86-311-6108555.

Telephone number of police officers Song Bingzhong, Wang Yanhu, and Lu Haidong: 011-86-311-6013794.

5. [Shangdong Province] Various Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials and Banners Appear on a University Campus

There appeared on a university campus in Shandong Province small banners with exquisite golden letters as well as a 10-meter long banner. On the banners were pictures and reports of the persecution and brutal killing of Falun Dafa practitioners and Jiang's order to "kill without mercy." On the 10-meter long banner read, "Falun Dafa is good; the heavenly principle is as clear as daylight with good and evil meeting their respective reward or retribution; don't oppose Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance." It also contained the details of the deaths of nearly 400 Falun Dafa practitioners as a result of police brutality.

6. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Dragnet Screening to Enforce Brainwashing Is Planned As Instructed by "Higher Authorities"

Official documents with titles in red font were issued by Zhouzhou City in Hebei Province, which was the instruction from "higher authorities." The document has demanded all work units, villages, and towns to start a dragnet screening of Falun Gong practitioners, including those who had practiced Falun Gong for only a couple of days. Personal files are to be compiled for each practitioner. And everyone who has been placed on file needs to submit one photo, and write a "statement of guarantee" and a "statement of exposing and criticizing [Falun Gong]." It is stated in the document: Anyone who refuses to comply will be sent to the municipal "reform and training base" for forced brainwashing.

We ask all Falun Dafa practitioners in Zhouzhou City to eliminate the evil with righteous thoughts so as to completely negate the arrangements by the old forces.

7. [Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province] Zaozihe Forced Labor Camp Instigates Inmates to Brutally Beat Falun Dafa Practitioner Kong Lingxin

The Education Medium Team in the Zaozihe Forced Labor Camp in Shaanxi Province tried to force Falun Dafa practitioner, Kong Lingxin, to read aloud the articles that slander Falun Dafa. Kong Lingxin refused. Police officers in charge of the team locked Kong Lingxin in isolation for six days. Kong still didn't give in, so the policemen brought Kong into the isolation cell where they tied him up onto the planks of a wooden bed for several days. Kong wasn't even allowed to use the restroom. The vicious policemen enticed several inmates on drug and robbery charges to beat and torture Kong Lingxin with the promise of shortened labor camp terms. The brutal treatment was extremely inhumane. The originally strong young man was beaten until he vomited blood and was tortured to the verge of death. The persecution is still being carried out....

We urgently request the help of the international community to focus their attention on the brutality in Zaozihe Forced Labor Camp in Shaanxi Province.

Telephone number of the Education Medium Team in the Zaozihe Forced Labor Camp at Fengxiang County in Shaanxi Province: 011-86-917-7485176.

Leader of the education medium team: Chen (last name).

Director: Lu (last name).

8. [North China] Practitioners Hold Several Successful Local Fa Conferences

During the Spring Festival, Dafa practitioners from a city in North China held several successful experience sharing conferences. The number of participants ranged from 10 to 30. We shared experiences based on the three issues that Teacher has raised in recent lectures: studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth. We sent out strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil, save the people of the world, clarify the truth to the precious Chinese people and welcome the day when the Fa rectifies the human world.

9. [Shandong Province] Exposing the Persecution of My Family

I have a family of four, with two children in primary school. All of us have practiced Dafa for seven years. Below is a record of the persecution we have suffered under Jiang's regime. Let the people of the world know how Jiang's regime persecutes good people who believe in "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance."

Sun Xinshe: the secretary of Politic and Law Committee in Chaochen Town of Xin County; Tel: 86-635-7711306

Police station: 86-635-7713110

Geng Zhaoqing: the supervisor of the police station

Wang Zhangkun: the director of police station

10. [Heilongjiang Province] Faluns Show Up in the Evening Sky

On March 16 at 6:50 p.m., a practitioner who lives in Jiamusi was busy working at home. Suddenly his wife called him to take a look at the sky. He rushed out and found two Falun slowly rotating in opposite directions, and then they changed to rotate in the same direction. His son, daughter and grandchildren all came out to look. Another family, the Dong's, also saw the scene. It lasted for about ten minutes; the Falun were very bright.

11. [Chongqing] Crimes in Liziba Detention Center

Around the October 1, 2001, a female practitioner was sent to Liziba detention center. People called her Yuan Hua. She was about fifty years old. After she was sent in, she insisted on practicing Falun Gong exercises and as a result frequently suffered beatings by female criminals. The guards pretended to not see and hear the abuse. They asked criminals to handcuff her in a "horse-riding" posture. In protest she went on hunger strike until the police released her from the handcuffs. She continued to practice and the police handcuffed her again. The director of the jail repeatedly abused her. On the eighth day of her hunger strike, police sent her to the jail hospital and then transferred her to Maojiashan forced labor camp. Along with her, they arrested her son and detained him in a male cell in the Liziba Detention Center. In the female cells we could often hear cries coming from the male cells. The guards said that the cry was from Yuan Hua's son.

At night, on January 4, 2002 nine practitioners, four male and five female, were sent to the Liziba Detention Center. We heard they were forcibly taken from their homes while they slept. As soon as a female practitioner named Wang Ya was brought in, a guard attempted to put on shackles to her. When she refused, a guard violently hit and kicked her. People on the entire floor could hear the abuse. Wang Ya shouted, "The 610 office hits people!" Police placed her on a bed, covered her and punched her; the guards pretended not see it. After a few days, senior-ranking policemen came to interrogate her. She refused to greet them. After the interrogation these policemen ordered the jailers, "She does not know the rules; teach her a lesson." Again she suffered violent beatings and kicking. Some practitioners from other cells shouted, "Stop the evil! You are forbidden to hit people!" Not until then did those criminals stop. Later I heard that the police incited these criminals by saying: "If you see any Falun Gong practitioners come in, beat them for me."

12. [Sichuan Province] Police Guards of the Linshui Detention Center Force-Feed Female Practitioners on Hunger Strike

February 5th, 2002, many police guards from the Linshui Detention Center, led by Huang Kaisheng (male), aggressively rushed into the cells of the female practitioners. The practitioners, who had been on a hunger strike for three days, were sleeping wearing nothing but their undergarments. The male guards yelled dirty words at the female practitioners and push them down to force-feed them. The thugs who followed Huang Kaisheng's orders included Zhang Zuobing and Tan Qizhong (both males).

The practitioners' hunger strike frightened the evil. Another policeman Zhu Minglin interrogated these practitioners the same night. He threatened that they would be tried before 28th, but the practitioners did not cooperate with the evil no matter what the orders were.

13. [Heilongjiang Province] Jiansanjiang Agriculture Bureau Qingdeli Farmland Persecutes Practitioners

List of those responsible:

Director Yuan Qinliang,

Office phone (86) (454) 570-8966

Home phone (86) (454) 571-8129

Party General Secretary Yang Jiuzhi,

Office phone (86) (454) 579-8203

Home phone (86) (454) 571-7999

Police Department:

Director Yu Jie,

Office phone: (86) (454) 578-3666

Home phone: (86) (454) 578-3777

Supervisor: Duan Liming,

Office phone: (86) (454) 570-8986

Home phone (86) (454) 579-8318

Police Department Criminal Investigation Team:

Wang Li, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8559

Zhang Fengchi, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8512

Supervisor: Liu Dianzhen, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8438


Cong Jun, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8178

Wang Dong, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8469

Li Jie, home phone: (86) (454) 571-8146

Ma Wenbao, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8444

Ma Fa, home phone: (86) (454) 579-8550

14. [Qinghai Province] Vicious People Persecute Dafa and Practitioners

Duoba Township Forced Labor Camp, Qinghai Province:

Director: Ma Ruqiang, phone (86) (971) 137-097-6271

Manager of the Administration Department: Lu Xin, phone (86) (971) 513-0627 (or 5130629) ext 3107 or 3108

Supervisor of the First Brigade: Chao Wenkui

Bayi Road Women's Forced Labor Institute, Xining City

Director: Xiang (Last name)

Manager of the Administration Department: Duan Hairong

Staff of the Administration Department: Yuan Yuxiu

Director of First Brigade: Zhang Wenjing; policewoman: Li Hua

Director of Second Brigade: Wang (last name)

Director of Internal Security Department Germu City Police Department Qinghai Province: Wang Jianping

Supervisor of Huangzhong County Detention Center Xining City Qinghai Province: Li Xingbang

15. [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Phone Numbers of the Xiaodian District Police Department

Director Pang of Xiaodian District Taiyuan City Shanxi Province, office phone (86) (351) 709-9203

Xiaodian District Police Station Supervisor Qu Chunsheng, office phone: (86) (351) 7099210

Xiaodian District "610 Office" phone: (86) (351) 709-0610

16. [Hebei Province] Save Those Who Have "Enlightened" Along an Evil Path

Wu Yongxin, female, 32 years old, is a teacher in Hebei Province City and Country Construction School. She appealed for Dafa many times. In October 2000, she was driven out of her home. On November 30th, 2001, she was abducted and taken to the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Center. After three days, she "enlightened" along an evil path and renounced Falun Gong. Afterwards, she supported the evil in their persecution against other practitioners. In mid-March, 2002, she was released. Her work unit forced her to report to them everyday although she is not working. She has yet to awaken to her mistake.

Home address: 5th floor, west door, West Unit of Residential Building 3, Hebei City and Country Construction School.

Home phone: (86) (311) 588-2517