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Summary of Other Articles and News - 3/6/2002

March 09, 2002 |  


Important Articles

A Letter to the Police in Changchun City:

I am shocked and saddened to hear that the Changchun Police Department has issued an order stating, "Upon seeing Falun Gong practitioners putting up posters and banners, police can shoot to kill." Police are supposed to protect people! Although you are under pressure from the Jiang/Luo gang, you should still be able to distinguish good from evil. Don't contribute to the evil and commit criminal acts against your neighbors and your fellow countrymen! Don't suffer the dreadful fate that awaits criminals like Jiang and Luo!

Latest News From China

Today, 138 people published solemn declarations, claiming everything they have written, said and done under the evil's forced brainwashing and high-pressure persecution that didn't conform to Dafa is completely void. From now on, they will redouble their efforts to make up for the losses they caused to Dafa, clarify the truth to people and keep up with Teacher's Fa-rectification process. A Dafa practitioner's family member signed a "slander statement" under coercion when visiting this practitioner [detained in jail]. Now he solemnly claims that it is void.

The officials of Daqing City Jiaotong Bank wanted to protect their own interests and illegally detained me, and they even tried to kill me. They spent large amounts of money to bribe the district police department and the street committee to be their accomplices, and get them to spread rumors that I am crazy and have a contagious disease. Due to Teacher's benevolence, in an open and aboveboard manner, I walked out of the triple door locks of the demon's den with righteous thoughts.

A letter from Dafa Practitioners to Local Government Officials in Yanbian City, Jilin Province

Please stop the unlawful activities of Li Wenbin, an official of the Yanbian Forced Labor Camp. Under Li's instructions, the guards in the camp humiliate, beat, illegally interrogate, and physically punish the practitioners detained there. They torture the practitioners with torture devices and extend their lengths of detention at will. The practitioners are not even allowed to speak. Jin Fenglu, a 66-year-old practitioner, was beaten so severely he/she lost his/her hearing just for speaking one sentence.

Overseas News Brief

On February 28, 2002, Australian Falun Gong practitioners were promoting Falun Dafa on the lawn beside the road directly facing the Exit gate of an airport, welcoming the members of congress and the British Queen who would attend the CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting). Some reporters could hardly believe that the Police Bureau would have assigned such a good place to Falun Gong. One on-duty policeman pinned an "I Support Falun Dafa" badge on the chest of his uniform.

According to a report in the Taiwan Youth Daily on February 26, 2002, an article in the "Wall Street Daily, Asian Edition" points out that the Chinese government is spreading its Anti-Falun Gong movement to various places in the U.S. It also says that Consulate officials often apply diplomatic and business pressure to American town and city governments and mayors with letters, phone calls and personal visits. They are using threatening means to demand that these local governments and mayors oppose Falun Gong.