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Clarifying the Truth Is the Most Benevolent Act of Saving People

March 25, 2002 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province


I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Hebei Province. I could not stand to see so many people heading step by step towards destruction. They believe the fabrications and lies propagated by the Chinese government after it began persecuting Dafa on July 20, 1999. In order to save those who are making karma for themselves in the human maze, and to assist Teacher in the Fa-rectification according to the cosmic principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," I started to debunk the slandering lies against Dafa. In the past two years, the rampant evil forces around me never deterred me from clarifying the truth. Never did I give up saving a person who seemingly was no longer savable because he had been so deeply poisoned by the government propaganda. As a Dafa disciple, I was awakening those conscientious people who had gone astray, badly misled by the pernicious government lies. As I helped them find their way, the patches of sky overhead would purify into sparkling blue.

Cultivate Righteous Thoughts and Establish Dafa's Mighty Virtue with Righteous Conduct

One evening last summer, I was trying to distribute truth-clarifying materials to a neighboring village. The village chief stopped me, a man who used to hate Falun Dafa. He thought that I was a thief and wanted to take me to the local police station. I told him determinedly: "I am a Dafa practitioner from so-and-so village. Dafa practitioners never steal." To my surprise, this village chief said unexpectedly: "Got it. You can go now." Thus, I successfully got out of trouble simply with the pure state of mind of a Dafa practitioner.

One time when I was driving at night, a big fully loaded truck broke down on the shoulder of the highway. The driver said: "I have been trying to get help, but no one has stopped. Would you please do me a favor and pull my truck to a nearby repair shop?" With cables I towed the truck to a nearby auto repair shop about a dozen kilometers away. The driver was very touched and pulled out some money to thank me for the help. I said I would not take money. The driver did not know what to do. I told him in a friendly way: "I am a Dafa practitioner. Our Teacher has taught us to be good people. So that is something I should do anyway. All Dafa practitioners would do the same thing that I just did. I just want you to know about the outrageous persecution of Falun Dafa and to tell your friends and relatives not to believe the government controlled media fabrications and lies slandering Falun Gong." The driver said excitedly: "From you, I see the greatness of your Teacher and Falun Dafa. Those twisted Falun Gong reports on TV and in the newspapers are groundless. I will tell everyone I meet about this and let them all come to know about Falun Gong. I will tell them that persecuting Falun Gong is to persecute good people and is most vicious." This driver promised that he was willing to do something to help Falun Gong.

After the above two experiences, I realized that righteous thoughts is the basis for doing good Fa-rectification work. Righteous conduct is the sharp sword that cuts through the government media's fabrications.

Kindly Advise the Grassroots Cadres Immediate Retribution Serves as a Good Warning

The Party Branch Secretary and the Security Chief of our village were trying to sabotage Dafa practitioners' routine book reading and exercise. They publicly cursed our Teacher and insulted Dafa. A few days later, the secretary was sent to the hospital due to a sudden cerebral thrombosis and the Security Chief also suffered cerebral thrombosis. I advised them not to persecute Falun Gong any more and told them that to treasure Dafa is to treasure their own lives. The two remembered their evil actions persecuting Dafa and suddenly awoke to the meaning of their illnesses. They realized their illnesses were retributions and decided they would no longer follow Jiang's gang of political scoundrels in persecuting Dafa. They were happy to have started to understand the cosmic principle of karmic retribution and thus to have saved their own lives. Hoping to recover their physical function, they would ask Dafa practitioners to tell them cultivation stories. They may very well practice Falun Dafa in the future.

Helping the Local Police Do Good and Give Up Committing Evil Results in Good Luck and the Departure of Misfortune

I knew a contract police agent. After July 20, 1999, he participated in the criminal activities of persecuting Falun Dafa. He wanted to kiss up to his boss in order to turn his contract status into that of a normal agent. He really worked very hard to illegally monitor, guard and beat up Dafa practitioners. He unexpectedly suddenly caught pleurisy, and, a few days later, was relieved of his contract. He had to go back home. In order to help him to understand the cosmic principle of karmic retribution, I asked him his impression of Dafa practitioners. He said, "They are all good people!" I then asked him, "Then what sort of behavior is helping Jiang and Luo to persecute these good people?" He answered, "Now, I understand. Persecuting the good must be an evil deed. Now, I really regret what I have done. How could I beat such good people? It is too late! I will no longer help the evil forces to persecute Dafa." We say that good or bad results depend on whether your thought at the moment is righteous or not. A few days later, he not only recovered from pleurisy, but also was admitted unexpectedly into normal policeman status.

Tell People the Truth and the Principles of the Fa and Save Those Who Went Astray Slandering the Fa

On a bus, I ran into a writer from the County Arts and Literature Alliance. He was editing a book specially aimed at slandering Falun Dafa. The materials were all drawn from the fabrications of the government controlled media propaganda. In order to prevent him from committing crimes against Dafa, I patiently told him the truth. Jiang, Luo and their criminal followers are using the propaganda machine to frame and persecute Falun Dafa. Since there was not enough time to talk on the bus, I wrote to him a few times. I told him that Falun Dafa is the great Fa that saves all sentient beings, and that whoever sabotages Dafa will be destroyed. I thus helped him give up slandering Dafa in order to make money.

Currently, Mainland China is all covered by lies. Evil individuals are all creating karma for themselves in the maze and tens of thousands of Dafa practitioners are being persecuted. When the time comes to pay back this karma, these evil-doers will suffer tremendously. It is very pitiful. I saw these people ignorantly harming others and themselves, and knew that their end was going to be terrible. I tried to advise them to do good by all means rather than fight back for revenge as an ordinary person would. To clarify the truth on all occasions is the most benevolent act of saving people. The above is my superficial understanding and how I have worked to clarify the truth and save people. If anything is not appropriate, please point it out to me.