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Correiho De Manha (Portuguese Newspaper): People in Lisbon Learn Chinese Exercises

March 21, 2002 |  

Jan 30 2002

Foreign practitioners of the Chinese practice Falun Gong, yesterday, near the Tower of Belem in Lisbon..

Falun Gong - Ancient Chinese Discipline consisting of exercises and principles, in part similar to Yoga (Indian) and Tai-chi (also Chinese) is practice by more then 100 million of people in the world. This practice that is gradually spreading in Europe, already has Portuguese adepts.

This week, foreign practitioners who teach voluntarily will demonstrate in Portugal. Bolette Ebertz, a social assistant of Korean origin, resident of Sweden, will be with other foreign practitioners tomorrow and on Wednesday between 20:00 and 22:00 in the Portuguese Gymnasium Club, at Rua das Amoreiras in Lisbon to teach for free.

Easy to practice

It is easy to practice Falun Gong. Five different exercises are done, not necessarily in sequence, that can be done through the day. This is in order to reach the three principles that should be put in practice in one's day-to-day life. To apply the principles of truthfulness, benevolence and tolerance is what is most difficult, says Bolette Ebertz to the Correio da Manha in a demonstration outdoors yesterday, in front of the Torre de Belem.

The practitioners Margarida Sabido and Bernardo de Sa Nogueira, mother and son, also participated in this demonstration. Bernardo, a young commercial director of a company in Portugal, told the Correio da Manha how he found Falun Gong, more than three years ago, through a friend - an American neurologist: "Since it was a doctor, especially a friend of mine, whorecommended this practice to me, I immediately trusted him and became interested in learning. I find the exercises easy, especially since they can be done at home by each person, not having to be done in a group. The energy that one feels when practicing the exercises makes us feel great.

There are very subtle differences between this discipline and yoga. Based on what I know, Yoga focuses on improving the physical aspect as well as the intellect and reduce stress. These are also the principles of Falun Gong, but here there is a moral principle, that are the three principles of truthfulness, benevolence and tolerance. It is not a religion, no one worships anyone. It is more a way to be", explained Bernardo Sa Nogueira. Margarida Sabido, emphasizes that "the results are so good that it is difficult for us to go without it. It improves the physical, gives interior strength, detoxifies the organism and helps us sleep better". Zhen, Shan and Ren, which are the same as speaking the truth, benevolence and tolerance, are three Chinese terms that represent the universal principles of Falun Gong. It refers to values that, according to its practitioners, lead to a healthy and uplifted life style, free from stress, a kind of philosophy for the cultivation of mind, body and spirit.