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No One with a Predestined Relationship is Left Out

March 21, 2002 |   Practitioner from Germany


Following an increase in the number of Chinese Students coming here for further studies, the number of students sitting for the DSH (a German qualifying exam for foreign students applying for higher studies) has also increased.

One Sunday evening, while studying Fa at home, we heard someone knocking at our door. Standing in front of the door was a Chinese girl who had just arrived from Stuttgart. She came to sit for the DSH qualifying exam and was looking for accommodation. Looking at her rather awkward appearance, one hand carrying a big bag and a parcel under the other arm, I invited her to come in. "If you like, you may spend the night here with us." She was really grateful and broke into a smile. She said she had spent over an hour walking around the school. "When I finally met a Chinese person," she said, "I was given a cold shoulder. Tonight is so cold. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't know what to do." I could see tears were about to fall.

Hanging up on our wall were Teacher's picture and other Dafa posters. She then started asking us about Falun Gong issues and we happily answered her questions. We also showed her the video titled "The Self-Immolation or a Staged Act?" and the "Falun Dafa all Over the World" video. We could see that she was amazed and then went into deep thought. During dinner, my husband and I spoke about the changes in our body, both physically and mentally after taking up Dafa practice. A while into the conversation, she adopted our way of addressing "Teacher Li" as well. Just before retiring to bed, the girl spoke to me seriously, "After the DSH exam, if I could stay back, I would like to practice Falun Gong with you all!"

That night, somehow by accident, she managed to contact her friends again. "If I had met up with my friends earlier," she said, "I would not have run into you people!" Deep in our heart, we knew well that this was Teacher's great compassion. Kind hearted people and people that have the predestined relationship will not be left out. The next day, she brought her three friends along to visit us. Again, we had another chance to give them a copy of the truth-clarifying CD.

At noon the next day, my husband brought in another new student who had difficulty getting accommodation, and helped him settle down in our home. When our topic switched to Falun Gong, we told him a lot about the truth of Dafa. This new student said that the analysis on the video was extremely scientific. Besides, there must be a reason why Falun Gong is so widely spread overseas, and so many people of higher education are practicing as well. He told us that a friend in Munich could not find a place to stay while looking for work and it was someone that practiced Falun Gong who helped him out. Furthermore, his friend also told him not to listen to the media in China, as their descriptions of Falun Gong are all lies. All the Falun Gong people he'd met were good people, his friend said. This new student also told us that his "dama" (one of his aunts) also practiced Falun Gong and she was a very kindhearted person. "It is not right for the government to turn so many people away into their opposition!" he said.

During our conversation, he told us honestly that his brother, also a police officer, had raised his objection when the government first started to suppress Falun Gong. We gave him a copy of the disk for clarifying the truth and he promised to let his people back home know the truth. He also said he would like to keep in close contact with us.

We were really happy for them, as they have now seen the truth.