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Dafa Deeply Rooted in People's Hearts: Member of the United Security Team Distributes Dafa Materials

March 20, 2002 |   Practitioner in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) In order to further persecute Falun Gong, the lawless officials in a certain city in northern China recently recruited 6,600 members to form a "United Security Team." Lurking in the background and secretly following practitioners, they try to catch and arrest Falun Gong practitioners who put up or distribute Dafa materials. It was under these circumstances that an amazing thing happened.

A young man named Xiao Qing lives in this city. After his mother practiced Falun Gong, all of her illnesses went away, and the whole family was very thankful for Dafa. When Xiao Qing was unemployed and had time between job interviews, he often took Falun Dafa materials and passed them to his family. They all have a positive view of Dafa.

Not too long ago, Xiao Qing was recruited into the "United Security Team." On the first day of work, he found a small piece of paper with these words written on them, "It is shameful to hide and follow. Why be used as a gun by others? ...."

His mother asked, "Do you know what it means?"

He replied, "Yes, I know."

His mother asked again, "Do you know what to do?"

He answered, "Yes. I will not arrest those who pass out Dafa materials."

Some days passed. Xiao Qing finally collected all his courage, gathered the Dafa flyers he picked up from other places, re-packaged them, and placed them elsewhere.

Some other members in the team often send practitioners "confidential information." They say, "All Dafa practitioners are good people. We would never arrest them. The reason we took this job was to give you information."


The force of Fa-rectification cannot be stopped. The courageous Dafa practitioners offer salvation to sentient beings with a compassionate heart. Dafa is now deeply rooted in people's hearts. The evil's latest scheme has again failed.