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Latest News from China - 03/13/02

March 20, 2002 |  


  • [Beijing] Additional Details about the Persecutions of Dafa Practitioner, Mr. Li Chunyuan, a Central Nationality University Lecturer/Teacher
  • [Gansu Province] Practitioners Pay their Respect to Practitioners from Changchun City
  • [Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Officials from the "610 Office" at the Jixian Mine Illegally Detain Sun Yongzhi, an Elderly Dafa Practitioner
  • [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] To Extract Confessions from Dafa Practitioners, Police Officers Deprive Them of Sleep for Three Days
  • [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Escalation of the Persecution against Falun Gong and Illegal Internment of More than Ten Practitioners
  • [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] More than Ten Days of Torture: Connecting Handcuffs and Shackles to Brutally Torture Practitioners in the No.2 Detention Center
  • [Northeast China] Two Years Imprisonment for a Just, Upright Soldier Who Printed "Falun Gong Is Good" in Letters to His Superiors
  • [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Torture of Dafa Practitioners in the Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp
  • [Qing County, Hebei Province] Lawless Government Officials Try to Frame Falun Gong with Another Death
  • [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Recent Massive Arrest of Dafa Practitioners and an Attempt to Make Practitioners Enlighten Along an Evil Path
  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Ms. Xie Chun'e from the Hanyang District Is Unconstitutionally Sentenced to a Stay in a Forced Labor Camp
  • [Hejian City, Hebei Province] Personnel from Hejian City's "610 Office" Illegally Arrest Multiple Practitioners
  • [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Vile Persons in Dalian City


[Beijing] Additional Details about the Persecutions of Dafa Practitioner, Mr. Li Chunyuan, a Central Nationality University Lecturer/Teacher

From December 2000 until January 17, 2001, when policemen arrested him, Mr. Li Chunyuan had been to the People's Congress and Beijing Supreme People's Court to file a plaintiffs' case several times. He turned in dozens of pages of long indictments and accusations against Jiang Zemin and cited him with violations of the Chinese Constitution by outlawing Falun Gong. The first time, officials in related departments dared not accept the case. After Mr. Li Chunyuan returned home, the same day, officials from the Central National University and authorities from Beijing's Police Department dispatched some people to monitor him around the clock. Following his accusations the second time, personnel from the Security Department of the university escorted him back. Then several days later, people under the direction of Beijing's police authority ransacked his home. It was said that these accusations frightened Li Lanqing, the prime minister in charge of education.

On January 17, 2001, policemen arrested Mr. Li Chunyuan at home with a fabricated accusation and have illegally detained him ever since. Obviously, the responsible department has never accepted nor heard the case of Mr. Li Chunyuan who is accusing China's ruling dictator of violating the Constitution. On the contrary, the officials relentlessly persecuted the plaintiff. "The group of evil political scoundrels has never followed the law in dealing with Dafa disciples." (Master Li's new article "Look at Things with Righteous Thoughts")

[Gansu Province] Practitioners Pay their Respect to Practitioners from Changchun City

Dafa practitioners from Gansu Province show respect to fellow practitioners in Changchun City! Your righteous action was great, which left a magnificent and glorious page in the history of the universe.

[Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] Officials from the "610 Office" at the Jixian Mine Illegally Detain Sun Yongzhi, an Elderly Dafa Practitioner

In early March 2002, Li Liandong from the "610 Office" unlawfully arrested Sun Yongzhi, a 60-year-old practitioner from the Jixian Mine when Ms. Sun was posting Dafa truth-clarifying signs. Ms. Sun is detained at Shuangyashan City's Detention Center in Heilongjiang Province.

The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] To Extract Confessions from Dafa Practitioners, Police Officers Deprive Them of Sleep for Three Days

Recently, under the leadership of female assistant director Zhao Yangfeng, authorities from Hegang City's police department established a "special cases" group to relentlessly persecute Dafa practitioners with extremely despicable means. For three days they did not allow Dafa practitioner Liu Xia and others to sleep in order to extract confessions. They brutally tortured and tricked practitioners. When Liu Xia and other practitioners were tortured to the point of losing their minds, policemen secretly recorded their words and videoed them to entrap and intimidate other practitioners.

Chief of the "special cases" group: Zhao Yanfeng, female

Group members: Dong Jianguo, Zhang Tao, Han Jitong, Zhang Jun, and Zhou Lijun

[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Escalation of Persecution against Falun Gong and Illegal Internment of More than Ten Practitioners

Hegang City and Heilongjiang Provincial authorities have escalated the persecution against Dafa practitioners. More than ten Dafa practitioners have been unconstitutionally arrested and detained at the No.1 Detention Center. Six of them were sentenced to three to six years of imprisonment. Some police department supervisors took the lead to beat practitioners. Li Shujiang, assistant director of the Gongnong Police Precinct, beat practitioners many times and didn't even spare female practitioners. He also injured a disabled male practitioner's eardrum. After this practitioner was illegally arrested, the lawless officials even claimed, although his eardrum was injured, he would be sentenced to imprisonment as before. This practitioner has two children in primary school.

[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] More than Ten Days of Torture: Connecting Handcuffs and Shackles to Brutally Torture Practitioners in the No.2 Detention Center

Before the New Year's Day, officials led by Li Shulin, the person in charge of Hegang City's No.2 Detention Center brutally persecuted Dafa Practitioners. They maliciously tortured practitioners with the excuse of prohibiting female practitioners from doing the exercises. They put torture instruments on eight female practitioners. Guards connected the handcuffs and shackles to torture four practitioners. Another four practitioners were forced to keep their legs apart with sticks and then they were handcuffed to those sticks, a position where the practitioners could not walk and could not take care of themselves. Practitioners were tortured in this position for more than ten days. In order to protest this kind of inhumane torture, several practitioners decided to go on a hunger strike. Li Shulin personally led his followers to force-feed practitioners with corn porridge twice a day and took the lead to beat practitioners. When force-feeding practitioners, they even asked male prisoners to inhumanely yank practitioners' hair and twist their arms. Under orders from persons from the "610 Office," more than twenty practitioners are still illegally detained at this No.2 Detention Center. The Jiamusi City Forced Labor Center admissions office rejected three female Dafa practitioners because of illness. Because these practitioners couldn't pay the ransom, personnel in the "610 Office," and the local police department still did not release them.

[Northeast China] Two Years Imprisonment for a Just, Upright Soldier Who Wrote "Falun Gong Is Good" in Letters to His Superiors

A soldier from an army detail in Northeast China got to know the truth of Dafa after he read the Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. He was indignant about the rumour of atrocious mass killing of Falun Gong practitioners on the orders of China's ruling dictator. So he printed four characters, "Falun Gong is Good" and mailed this to his leaders. After the leaders of the army saw this, they were very nervous and sent the soldier to the local police department. Just because of these four words he was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. People commented, "One word about Falun Gong is worth half a year. Jiang is really promoting terrorism."

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Torture of Dafa Practitioners in the Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp

Mr. Zhu Huibao, 57-years-old, was a worker from the Electricity Maintenance Factory. In September 2001, because he refused to give up Falun Gong practice, he was unconstitutionally detained in the Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp. After he was sent in, guards in the labor camp made an attempt to force him to be brainwashed. Because Mr. Zhu did not compromise, guard Jiang Yongfeng's true, villainous character was revealed. He began beating and cursing Mr. Zhu. Eventually Mr. Zhu had a heart attack. He chest felt constricted and he couldn't breathe. But the guards didn't care at all and didn't ask about or show concern for his health. Another time, thugs Jiang Yongfeng, Wu Wei and several others dragged Mr. Zhu into a small room, which was especially used for torturing Dafa practitioners. They pushed Mr. Zhu on the ground and beat and kicked him. Jiang Yongfeng stepped on Mr. Zhu's neck, which choked Mr. Zhu. With their hard leather uniform boots they kicked Mr. Zhu's head, chest and his ribs for over 40 minutes.

Mr. Zhu suffered a skull fracture and sustained a hole in his head from the beating and a large amount of blood ran down and soaked the ground. His clothes became blood soaked as well. When this happened, the thugs stopped beating him and stuffed the hole in Mr. Zhu's head with a roll of tissue paper. Jiang Yongfeng brought several collaborators who had enlightened along an evil path and said to Zhu, "You had better tell them that you hurt your head from banging it into the wall and not from my beating you."

Mr. Wang Zhongyuan, 29-years-old, an employee at Fushun City's Steel Factory holds a bachelor's degree. In March 2001 he was sent into the Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp. Jiang Yongfeng and Wu Wei dragged him into a small room and tortured him for more than three hours. At first, the thugs shocked Mr. Wang Zhongyuan's face, neck, chest and the inside of his thighs with two electric batons at the same time. They recharged the dead batteries of the batons and took turns beating him when one of them got tired. They beat and kicked him and stomped on Mr. Wang's neck to choke him. Then they asked him whether he was still going to practice Falun Dafa. If his answer was yes, they would continue to torture him. Almost four hours later, Mr. Wang Zhongyuan was dragged out. His face was pale and his clothes were disheveled. He couldn't walk and was in tremendous pain. It was too miserable to see.

[Qing County, Hebei Province] Lawless Government Officials Try to Frame Falun Gong with Another Death

The following is my story, how officials abuse the Constitution and lawlessly invent stories to damage Falun Gong:

I am 47-years-old, a resident of Qing County, Hebei Province. After July 20, 1999, lawless officials from the county and town government often came into my village and held brainwashing classes for captive Dafa practitioners. They didn't allow us to leave home, and we had to ask for a leave when we had some work to do. We had to be there whenever they wanted us to. We were completely deprived of personal freedom. They also continuously threatened our families, severely violated our citizen's rights and interfered with our normal, daily life.

In order to achieve their mean purposes, lawless officials from the town government acting against the Constitution and ordered Wang Xingchen to come to my home and record the information of my wife's death. Actually, my wife Chen Shuhua died from a vascular brain disease, which had nothing to do with Falun Gong. It was a natural death. However, the lawless officials claimed she died from practicing Falun Gong. They were lying.

In order to find reasons or invent reasons for the brutal persecution of Falun Gong throughout the whole county, they sent reporters from a TV station to my home. They attempted to videotape me and make up a slandering report to frame Falun Gong, but I firmly refused. As a result, they came to my home and harassed and persecuted me again.

Phone number of Caosi Town Government Office, Qing County: 011-86-317-4061019

Judiciary Department: 011-86-317-4061099

Police Department: 86-317-4061059

[Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Recent Massive Arrest of Dafa Practitioners and Attempt to Make Practitioners Enlighten Along an Evil Path

According to reliable sources, the police authorities in Nanchang City recently arrested many practitioners. Most of them were taken away from their homes. Each practitioner was given a book and was forced to read Falun Dafa-slandering materials.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Ms. Xie Chun'e from the Hanyang District Is Unconstitutionally Sentenced to a stay in a Forced Labor Camp

According to a Wuhan City newspaper dated February 19, 2002, at 6 a.m. on February 6, policemen from the Lishan Police Station in Lishan Town of Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, unlawfully arrested Dafa practitioner Ms. Xie Chun'e. She used to work at Yuehu Street Administrative Office in Hanyang District, Wuhan City. The accusation was "Instigating and organizing group exercises." Ms. Xie was sentenced to a term in a forced labor camp.

[Hejian City, Hebei Province] Personnel from Hejian City's "610 Office" Illegally Arrest Multiple Practitioners

Since July 2001, several practitioners have been arrested successively. Some of them were sentenced to a forced labor camp, some were tortured to death, some were forced to live in exile to avoid unconstitutional persecution and some are still missing. Further escalating the persecution, officials in the vicious "610 Office" again collaborated with people from the police department to successively hold brainwashing classes. Recently, many practitioners were forcibly arrested.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Vile Persons in Dalian City

Sun Guangtian, director of Dalian City's Police Department: 011-86-411-3609888;

Lin Shuliang, deputy director of Dalian City's Police Department: 011-86-411-3698030;

Lu Donghui: 011-86-411-3698790;

Wang Dexing: 011-86-411-3673626;

Dong Xingbin: 011-86-411-3632999;

Chen Xibin: 011- 86-411-3698151;

Sun Qingbao, assistant to the director of Dalian City's Police Department: 011-86-411-3698661;

Wang Danke, director of the Political Department: 011-86-411-3793510;

Qi Jinming, director of the Shahekou District Police Department: 011-86-411-4601332.