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I have long wished to speak to every person in China who doesn't know the truth about Falun Dafa ...

March 02, 2002 |   Tom Ozimek

Today on Tiananmen Square I, Tom O., will join a group of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world to appeal on behalf of tens of thousands of innocent people who each day face the threat of imprisonment, abuse, torture and even death at the hands of their own government in Mainland China.

I would like to say that Falun Dafa is good, its practitioners are good people and the nature of Falun Dafa, the universal principle of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, has gained the deepest respects of governments and people throughout the world. I also hope that members of the Chinese government and police forces who have been deceived and coerced by higher authorities into persecuting innocent people will be moved by the peaceful nature of Falun Dafa and will no longer be party to the horrible atrocities perpetrated by Jiang Zemin, Lou Gan and their regime.

I have long wished to look into the eyes of every person in China who doesn't know the truth about Falun Dafa and speak to their soul what mine knows to be true...that Falun Dafa is good. In two and a half years of practice I have experienced a great deal. All of it has been truly positive. I have also watched it heal and transform those who embrace its noble and profound teachings. Falun Dafa helped me overcome many unhealthy addictions, including smoking and drugs. Its pure nature has moved my formerly selfish heart to now care for others and it has strengthened my will and perseverence. It has taught me that peace of mind starts with a pure and clean heart. This Way, which 100 million before me have chosen to walk, teaches people to be good and that Truth-Compassion-Tolerance (Zhen-Shan-Ren) is the fundamental characteristic of

all life in the universe. In my understanding, this characteristic, or Law, balances and harmonizes everything. It is truly precious and deserves the respect and protection of all people.

Now, however, Falun Dafa practitioners are in the midst of a terrible crisis. They face persecution at the hands of Jiang Zemin and his criminal associates who have poisoned Chinese society with a campaign of lies and propaganda. The authorities continue to punish millions of those in Chinese society for having widely embraced Falun Dafaí s righteous principles.

I appeal to all kindhearted people the world over to stand up, speak out and help stop the persecution of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance.

Sincerely yours,

Tom O.