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Manchester Hosts Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibition (Photos)

March 17, 2002 |   UK Dafa practitioners

On March 11 and 12, 2002, Zhang Cuiying's painting exhibition was held inside a hall of the Manchester University of Science and Technology. A television was set up in the hall to play the truth-clarifying video. There were auditoriums on both sides of the hall. Some students passed by after class and accepted Dafa flyers and a brief introduction of the artist. A media member came to do an interview during the exhibition.

We were impressed that most Chinese people visiting the exhibition were friendly. Some of them picked up information to read. Some said that they had viewed the truth-clarifying VCD and would give it to others to look at. A traditional painting fan came to the exhibition and understood the truth during his visit. He took a truth-clarifying VCD and bought three paintings for his friends.

As the exhibition was held on weekdays, the closing time was set at 8:30 p.m. in order to have more people visit the exhibition after work. At 7:30 p.m. on the first day, there was a meeting of over 100 people in the auditorium beside the hall. All the Dafa literature on hand was distributed to them after the meeting. On the second day, after the students were gone, we saw predestined people coming to the exhibition after work.

The preparation of this exhibition was done in a hurry, but the practitioners cooperated well. We could see each other's pure hearts and feel our fellow practitioners' forbearance and diligence. In the friendly environment, we learned from each other and purified ourselves.