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Canadian Labour Unions Write to Urge Government to Take Action Concerning the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China

March 17, 2002 |  

Letter from National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada to Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Honorable Bill Graham
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Sent by Fax and Mail: 613-996-9607

Dear Mr. Graham,

Our union is on the record with your government in stating our concerns about the human and trade union abuses that occur under the current regime in China.

With the upcoming meetings of the UNCHR in Geneva we trust you will use the occasion to speak out strongly against their ongoing violations and repression of basic freedoms that are an every day fact of life for working people in China.

We also want to state once again that the specific targeting of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners as outlined in numerous Amnesty International reports is deserving of clear condemnation by you as our government.

We look forward to hearing about our government actions on these issues.


Carol Phillips

Director International Department


Letter from National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada to Prime Minister

The Right Hon. Jean Chretien, P.C. M.P.
Prime Minister
Room 309-s, Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 0A6

Sent by Fax and Mail: 613-996-9607

Dear Mr. Graham,

Our union is on the record with your government in stating our concerns about the human and trade union abuses that occur under the current regime in China.

With the upcoming meetings of the UNCHR in Geneva we trust you will use the occasion to speak out strongly against their ongoing violations and repression of basic freedoms that are an every day fact of life for working people in China.

We also want to state once again that the specific targeting of peaceful, Falun Gong practitioners as outlined in numerous Amnesty International reports is deserving of clear condemnation by you as our government.

We look forward to hearing about our government actions on these issues.


Carol Phillips

Director International Department


Letter from Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC) to Prime Minister

March 14, 2002

The Right Hon. Jean Chretien, P.C. M.P.
Prime Minister
Room 309-s, Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 0A6

Dear Sir,

From time to time the Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC) writes to you on issues of international importance. Our friends from the Falun Dafa Association of Canada that we support within the context of human rights have advised that Chinese practitioners of Falun Gong are about to come under the most severe persecution, including death, for no other reason than belonging to their (group).

They advise us that the President of China is said to have issued orders to "Kill Without Mercy" Falun Gong members after China's state-run television in Changchun was interrupted with a pro-Falun Gong program. Already Chinese authorities are compiling hit lists of Falun Gong supporters.

The VDLC requests that you do everything in your power to persuade the Chinese Government not to violate International Human Rights Conventions by arresting and executing members of Falun Gong.

Yours truly,

Jon Fitzpatrick

Secretary Treasure

Vancouver & District Labour Council



cc: Falun Dafa Association of Canada