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Paying Respects to Changchun Dafa Practitioners, San Francisco Practitioners Call for Global Urgent Rescue (photos)

March 11, 2002 |  

In response to Changchun practitioners' heroic feat of broadcasting Falun Gong truth-clarifying programming over a local cable network in prime time, 100 San Francisco practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese consulate in San Francisco on the afternoon of March 7 to expose the Jiang regime's criminal act of usurping the name of the government to persecute kind people. Practitioners call on people to act now to uphold justice, urgently rescue practitioners persecuted in China and stop the bloody killing of practitioners by state terrorist Jiang.

Practitioner Chunquan Lee, who was brutally beaten because she refused to cooperate with her illegal detention, told of her personal experiences with the Jiang regime's brutality and deceptive nature. Western practitioner Adam Leining, who appealed for Falun Gong on Tiananmen Square last November, also called upon the general public, media and organizations to act now to rescue practitioners persecuted in China to prevent the bloody killings from the Jiang regime's retaliation.

Following a March 5, evening broadcast of programs supportive of Falun Gong in northeastern China, a furious Jiang ordered a series of executions targeting all people involved and other practitioners of Falun Gong throughout China. Jiang is said to have ordered, "Kill them without mercy," immediately following the event. Following the president's command, other cities and provinces across China have now reportedly compiled lists of specific Falun Gong practitioners to execute.

The most dreadful thing the Jiang regime fears is that the general public will learn the truth. The mad retaliation itself demonstrates the Jiang regime's extremely guilty conscience and fear of the truth.

We salute those people who have done such a heroic act to bring truth to people. When all the kind people of the world know the truth, the evil will cease to exist.