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Photo Report: "The Path of Fa-rectification" Photo Exhibition Opening Ceremony in Moscow National Artists Union

February 07, 2002 |   By Russian practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) February 2, 2000, "The Path of Fa-rectification" Photo Exhibition opening ceremony was held in Russia's Moscow National Artists Union exhibition hall. More than 40 people attended the opening ceremony.

In the opening ceremony, practitioners introduced Falun Gong, its worldwide spreading, and the persecution against Falun Gong in China. They also played videotapes that clarified the truth about Dafa. Zhang Cuiying, an Australian artist and Dafa practitioner who had just finished her art exhibition in the Ukraine and was passing through Moscow, attended the opening ceremony. She described her experience of being persecuted by the Chinese Regime and of being illegally detained for 8 months because she went to China to tell the truth about Falun Gong. Many people expressed their indignation over the Chinese Regime's persecution of Falun Gong and its vicious behavior of torturing peaceful and kind Falun Gong practitioners. They also expressed their sympathy for the practitioners who are being persecuted. Quite a lot of people were in tears.

"The Path of Fa-rectification" Photo Exhibition will be held for a month. During this period, Moscow practitioners will accordingly have many activities, including truth clarification, showing Teacher's Nine-day lecture series, and practitioners' experiences sharing.