(Clearwisdom.net) January 26 is Australia Day. We intended to join the practitioners in Sydney for the Australia Day Hongfa activities including a boat show. However, to our surprise, we were invited to participate in our local community Australia Day celebration at Wollongong Harbor organized by the Wollongong City Council and the Australia Day committee.
Because we did well last year, the organizers contacted us this year for our attendance. We thought that it is good for the people of Illawarra (a suburb in Sydney) to see us as part of the community and trust that we can bring the benefits of Falun Dafa to society, so we immediately decided to organize ourselves for the local activities.
This year, we were given the chance to perform our 5 sets of exercises on stage, and the beautiful Dafa music Pudu was played through the sound system to the crowd of onlookers. A lot of people enjoyed and were attracted by our exercises and the music.
We also set up a "Journey of Fa-Rectification" photo exhibition to let more people understand the journey of Dafa. People walked up to our display throughout the day and asked many questions about Falun Dafa.
In the end, the organizer thanked us for our participation and the beautiful display. All of our local practitioners feel that Dafa is being recognized far and wide by our society. People are saying that Falun Dafa is beautiful and should be practiced.