Translated from German
Righteousness unconsciously lost
Peace in the heart fades
Hopelessness is silently born
Feeling my soul contract
Goodness and evil fight in the heart
Understanding clearly to turn to goodness
My heart asked itself, how to solve this?
Where is the path that once I'd found?
With fidget diffusing in heart
Every step forward was hard
Time was required to find attachments
And recognize my mistakes
When the human heart had doubt
Demons used the loopholes
Strengthened the doubt, increased the pain
Until I managed to see
Time does not matter
Righteousness must not be lacking
Must not be replaced by restless doing
In that way only my toil increased
Owing to pursuit I left my way
But with attachments recognized and abandoned
The storm has passed, Fa appears at the firmament
The calm and my path I ve found again
Righteousness opens my heart broadly
Recognizing the Fa is to be at ease
Zhen, Shan, Ren are combined with me
The wisdom detected by pure mind
Unshakable particle of Dafa
The evil will be scared to pale
The power of Fa comes into effect
Buddha nature manifests in human beings
Meet sentient beings with compassion
Fulfill vows, move towards consummation
Fa-rectification reaches the human world
New glory illuminates the universe
A German practitioner