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Summary of Other Articles and News - 02/15/2002

Feb. 18, 2002


Latest News from China

Today, 82 people published their solemn declarations. They deeply regret everything they have said and done that does not conform to Dafa, while under the evil's influence. They solemnly declared that all of those things are completely null and void. From now on, they will redouble their efforts to make up for the losses they caused to Dafa, walk on the righteous path in their cultivation with firm determination, and cultivate according to Dafa. They will clarify the truth to the people, expose the evil, validate Dafa and welcome the Fa-rectification in the human world.

During the first half of the year 2000, Yichun Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province forced Falun Dafa practitioners to do hard labor. Dafa practitioners carried bricks every day. Then, the practitioners were hung up and beaten and were not allowed to sleep. They also used the cruel torture method of "covering the big shed": one would be handcuffed onto a chair, then one would be suffocated for several minutes with layers of plastic bags covering one's head. Falun Dafa practitioner Lu Chenglin was tortured to death in this way.

The persecution I suffered: In 1999, I went to appeal for Falun Dafa. I was arrested. The vicious police stripped me of all clothes on my upper body and beat me violently with a police baton. During my illegal detention period, the detention center director often called my wife and went over to our home during the night, using the excuse [coming to get you] "to visit your husband." Instead, he and another thug tried to rape her. They extorted 1,500 Yuan [about US $187.5, $60 is the average urban income in China] from my wife. Right now, my wife and my child have been forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution.

People from the Disciplinary Inspection Committee and Supervisory Bureau of Jilin Province jointly sponsored a magazine called Lang Tao Sha [the wave washes the sand], in which they covered up their crimes of illegal persecution, and slandered the good people. In the magazine, they described this "hell-on-earth" Changchun Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp and other forced labor camps almost like heaven.

Overseas News

The Korean Falun Dafa Association has recently written an open letter to the media as follows: For the past few years, the media has not been reporting Falun Dafa from an impartial angle. From now on, we will not tolerate any biased reporting with the aim of defaming Falun Gong. We will follow Korean laws to actively take all possible and appropriate measures to protect our right to practice Falun Gong.

Stories of Cultivation

A junior practitioner in Taipei: What does happiness mean? It means no discontent, no grief, no frustration, and everything goes as one wishes. Also there is immortality. Every practitioner knows that true happiness is found in cultivation, by returning to one's true self and one's level. That is true happiness.